First Weigh-in of 2023 - I'm Still on Track - Operation Under 200 Begins.

in #hive-1745782 years ago

Wow, just wow. Today was the first time in 2023 that I stepped on a scale. I was incredibly nervous. For the most part, I did decent throughout the holiday season. Between Xmas and New Year's though there was a lot of food and drink.

The alcohol alone during that two-week period was probably enough to pack on more than a few pounds. Granted, it's mostly water weight. For this reason, I decided to just eat healthy throughout January and do my first weigh-in in February.

Achievement unlocked. My goal after New Year's was to stay in the 240s. I squeaked by on December 2nd at just 249 pounds. LMAO... The goal was 240s. Post here Technically I just hit it.

Considering I didn't have a single "gain month" last year, I didn't want to start 2023 with a gain so I opted to have a month-long recovery before my first weigh-in. I'm really glad I did that. I think a lot of weight loss is about mental attitude and not taking that loss in January kept me focused and on track IMHO.

OK... Drum roll please....

How much did he lose?

Not a stellar loss, but I am still in the 240s. My current weight is 247 lbs. So I managed to lose a couple more pounds and start the new year off on the right foot.


So the goal for 2023 is to lose roughly 55 pounds. I'd like to be around 195 lbs by the end of the year. I lost about 40 pounds last year, 55 lbs will be tough but I think attainable.

Basically, I have to lose 5 lbs every month to hit my goal. In the greater scheme of things that should be attainable. Dieting aside, I think regular treadmill runs could achieve that. Combine that with a sensible diet and I should have this.

So the goal for February will be to reach at least 242 lbs. I'm going to have one last cheat day today, then my next cheat day will be the Super Bowl. After the Super Bowl, it's hardcore diet and exercise until Memorial Day which officially kicks off the summer months. I think my main strategy will be to lose as much weight as possible between now and Memorial Day so I can slack off a little in the summer months... I do have a love of beer and barbecue throughout the summer months. (Probably what got me in this mess in the first place. 🤣)

After doing the math today, I think 5 lbs a month is a very attainable goal. I'm feeling good about this.

Well, that's where I'm at everyone. Looking forward to being under 200 lbs again. It has been so long, I can't even remember the last time I was under 200 lbs.

On a final note, I do want to write a little about the health benefits of losing weight. In one year's time, after losing the first 40 lbs I feel like a completely different person. At 55 I have a LOT MORE energy, improved libido, better mental outlook, clothes fit better, I think I look better, feel better about myself, and just feel healthier all around.

This is the second time I'm losing this weight. I lost most of it in 2020 then put a big chunk of it back on throughout the pandemic, well the pandemic fueled a large part of my weight gain. The true goal this time, the real goal, is to get this weight off and KEEP IT OFF!

I'm pretty committed to this new goal. I'm feeling good under 250 lbs, I've pushed the limits of my weight over 300 lbs. It's incredible how much better I feel. I can breathe again. I sweat less. I can find clothes that fit again when I shop. I'm pretty excited about the next 11 months of weight loss. Losing weight is also a huge confidence builder. It hasn't been an easy journey, but it's definitely worth it in my humble opinion.

Edit: gif credit


Congrats! :) you behaved urself (unconsciously?) and now u are in good shape.

I think so too. I hope so. I'm really happy I maintained for the most part.


That's a decent start and best of luck, what kind of exercise do you do?

Personally I'm a big fan of getting those steps in!

That's a decent start and best of luck, what kind of exercise do you do?

Treadmill between 1 mile and 2 miles daily. I used to weight train but no longer am able to.

Personally I'm a big fan of getting those steps in!

I need to walk more. I tend to walk on the days I don't jog.

A friend of mine is considering buying a treadmill desk and I'm tempted myself TBH!

I've considered this myself. Perfect if you spend all day doing computer stuff or trading off a computer.


I gifted $PIZZA slices here:
@the-bitcoin-dood(1/5) tipped @steevc (x1)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

Just be true and sincere to yourself , you can loose more than 50lb in a year easily. Don't eat junk food @the-bitcoin-dood

That's pretty much what I've done. I cut out alcohol and most refined sugar products and eat mostly natural stuff. Fruits, veggies, lean meats. The weight just melts off, but sometimes that can be pretty bland. The results are there though.

yoo! this is motivating me to get back on track with my fitness and swimming regimen. Let's do this. I plan on losing another 5 pounds in a month. Not sure how that would be but we'll get there. Good luck and keep going, would love to see your update in the future when you read below 200!

I want to start swimming again. I may look into that this summer.

Let's do this. I plan on losing another 5 pounds in a month.

We got this!

Good luck and keep going, would love to see your update in the future when you read below 200!

For the most part, I've been posting monthly weigh-ins around the 2nd of each month. I'll keep you posted though. Thanks!

😄 dood you should create a weight-loss community so we have a place to post this updates.

Hey @the-bitcoin-dood, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that <a href=' can use BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.

Good luck with this. It can be largely a matter of willpower and motivation. I'll give you a full vote if you have lost some weight by the next time you weigh in. Please remind me of that.

I managed to not gain weight over Christmas, but then I'm about right anyway. If I didn't run then it could be a problem.


Good luck with this. It can be largely a matter of willpower and motivation.

Absolutely. I think it's 90% mental. Another reason I sort of took January off. I just wasn't ready to dive back in. Now, I've had my fun, time to get back to business.

I'll give you a full vote if you have lost some weight by the next time you weigh in. Please remind me of that.

Awesome. I totally appreciate this motivator. Now I really have to! Thank you for this!

I managed to not gain weight over Christmas, but then I'm about right anyway. If I didn't run then it could be a problem.

The treadmill has been a real game-changer for me, especially during those cheat times. Cardio is so important for maintaining weight. Sitting behind a computer trading all day ruined me! 🤣 It really did!

I didn't even want to weigh myself after Xmas. I should have though. I would have liked to of seen how much I gained or maintained. I just didn't want anything to unmotivate me.



If a person gains weight, it goes away very quickly, but to reduce it, a person has to work hard. A person thinks that he will lose his weight in 1 or 2 months, but that is not the case. As a person gets fat, his internal system also deteriorates and he starts getting diseases, so it is better for all of us to keep our weight under control. We pray that you also reach your weight loss goals soon.

The one thing I've come to realize is that the older you get, the harder it gets to drop it. I could shed weight quickly in my 20s and 30s, not so much in my 50s, it's real work.

We pray that you also reach your weight loss goals soon.

Many thanks, much appreciated!

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It sucks being overweight. It's super uncomfortable... :/

Congrats on your progress and journey. But mostly on your commitment to figuring the best way forward for yourself to feel healthy and happy!

I come from a family of disordered eaters. It's everywhere and we all use food to avoid our feelings in one way or another. And food is such a tough "addiction" (insert coping mechanism) because it's always around and one can't just "quit" it - like alcohol for example.

I found a solid routine, a dietician (stable eating plan that was sustainable) and a physical trainer to get a consistent program going was the best way forward for me personally. There wasn't a "diet" or anything. I changed my lifestyle and that worked for me.

It was focus in the beginning, but once I learned quantities (both food and exercise amounts and times) it just became natural and my daily routine. I had to relearn bad behaviours, in other words, that were taught to me as "normal" as my family doesn't eat "normally". :D

Enjoy the journey. It's very inspiring even if it is tough (at times). 💕👣

No doubt! I agree with all of this. For me this has been the game changer. I really haven't been dieting, just eating healthy. Cutting out refined sugars and cardio 4 to 5 times a week helped a lot too.

I never really looked at food as an addiction but I think there's a lot of truth in that. It does suck too because there is no getting away from it. Refined sugars are a tough one to kick too because they put it in everything.

Yeah - that's the way I found ease with this stuff as well 👍

refined sugar has a similar effect on the brain to cocaine and activates the same area of the brain, by the way. It's a full on addiction. And very fast acting! Sugar is the big one in my family as well.

Russel Brand even claims it was his first addiction in the book he wrote about his recovery. I think food is, for many people, the first one we begin to rely on to try and change how we feel...

Russel Brand even claims it was his first addiction in the book he wrote about his recovery.

I think so too. The first time I heard someone say this about sugar I scoffed at it, but the more research you do on it, the more you discover it does act like a drug with very similar effects on the brain.


The struggle is real. 👍

It's a proper addiction and we use it like there's no tomorrow. And corporations pack it into low fat foods and the rest. I have no doubt they know exactly how addictive it is as well. No doubt at all. Clever bastards.

They've also linked using too much sugar to dodgy gut health.

And this ends up in physical and mental health problems. Chronic fatigue if you end up with "leaky gut". And Apparently the gut is now being called "the small brain" by scientists because of how massively it impacts mood and emotional stability.


All sugar :/

Anyway. My point is it's not all willpower or lack of discipline. Part of this eating thing is addiction for sure. And I needed to look at it from this perspective to get a decent handle on it eventually. Because the addictive cycle works a bit differently.