How are you all my friends?
Hello friends #Amazing nature (AN) meet me again in this beloved community as usual I pray that you all have a pleasant day.
My friend!!
Today I have nothing to do, so I decided to go to the side of the house and find random pictures that I can then share with this beloved community.
Friends, when I was looking for some pictures, the first picture I found was a picture of a bird's nest, then the initiative arose for me to wait for the bird to return to its nest and then take some beautiful pictures, but I was wrong, getting such a beautiful momentum is not as easy as we think, I waited almost half an hour, the mother bird did not appear, finally I decided to take a picture of its nest and go back to looking for other pictures.
Then not far I walked, still in my yard, I found another picture of a wild flower, this flower caught my attention because of its striking color, finally I took some pictures of it too.
After taking some pictures of flowers, there was a mushroom that caught my attention. This mushroom is 10-15 cm in size and has a hard texture.
And the last picture I took was a picture of flowers growing on the back fence of my house, after getting some pictures, I decided to go back home, when I got home there was my uncle waiting, he invited me to go fishing. And I will tell you in the next meeting, how my experience was with my uncle while fishing. Okay my friends, below are some pictures that I have obtained, I hope you all are entertained and like them.
The bird's nest that I photographed, but unfortunately, I didn't get the momentum when the bird came back.
A wild flower that caught my attention, because of its striking color.
A unique mushroom, isn't it? What do you think, friends?
This is the last picture I took, and this flower is growing on the fence at the bell.
Okay my friends, that's enough for this meeting, I hope you are entertained and like what I share in this meeting, see you at the next meeting 🤗
TheAbout the author
Maulizar Mawardi or better known as @antonydossantos. I am a student. Photographer, insect lover, nature lover, looking for momentum, is my hobby.