Cats and Dogs in My Collage for LMAC #180

in #hive-1746952 years ago

180 volcano 37.png

I'm very late this week in posting my collage, but I was tired and wanted to enjoy the process of making it, so I took my time. Since I don't compete, the deadline is not relevant.

This week @shaka offered the community a stunning image. The overwhelming sense I had when viewing the picture was peace, and so I tried to keep that impression in my collage.

@shaka's Template Photo.
3ooHxdl - Imgur.jpg

Dogs and Cats, Not at War

If you look closely at the banners flying atop the castle and from boat masts in my picture, you will see cats on the boats and dogs at the castle. The dogs and cats in this picture have had their annual reunion, as have their human mates. In the land of peace I imagined, dogs and cats never fight. And the people on the boats are not warriors, but guardians.

Dogs and Cats Are Natural Enemies?
Are they? How many times have you heard the saying, "Fighting like cats and dogs?" Here's a picture that belies the sentiment behind those words:

Eli (Cat) and Kiara (Dog) Napping
eli and kiara.png
Credit: agmoore

Let's ask the American Kennel Club if these two species are natural enemies. According to that organization, "Cats and dogs are by no means natural enemies, but there are a few behavioral differences that can set them at odds." The most significant characteristic that may lead to disharmony between dogs and cats is the prey instinct.

The prey instinct is a carryover from a dog's hunting heritage, which (according to the AKC) is why a dog will chase just about anything. Ever play a game of Frisbee with a dog?

In our home, there were, for years, two dogs and two cats. The cats came in as rescue kittens. They had been abandoned by their mothers in a car engine (different litters, different cars). My daughter brought the kittens home and nursed them to good health. The dog in the picture (above), a shepherd mix, was immediately maternal. One of the cats (not the one in the picture) apparently imprinted on the dog and in time took to grooming the dog and emitting a purr that sounded like a growl.

Rosie, the Cat That Thought She Was a Dog
rosie and piano for lil.png

Our second dog, a beagle, was a bit aggressive around the cats, which is surprising for a beagle. Except that beagles have very strong hunting instincts. We couldn't trust the dog alone with the kittens. Though, in time, both dogs became friends with the cats and they would all nap together.

Dogs and Cats May Socialize for Different Reasons
According to the site Science ABC, dogs are more social than cats. The site suggests, "As a by-product of their domestication process, dogs evolved to gain skills that helped them “read” human emotions."

Cats, on the other hand (according to this site) are more 'autonomous'. Cats form attachment to their human caretakers, though they can also survive on their own, if necessary. However, cats 'prefer' human company and don't just depend on us for food.

While cats and dogs may not get along sometimes, it seems cats are more likely to fight with each other, than with a dog. Our two cats got along fairly well, (mostly because one was submissive I think), but there was fighting and aggression from time to time.

Rosie and Eli Transfixed by Something They See Through the Window
rosie and eli 3.png

My Collage

As always, I owe a debt to my colleagues who contributed pictures to LIL, the LMAC Image Library. These are the elements and contributors who helped me out this week from the Library.






I also found two images in the library that I had contributed

I also thank the follower contributors from Pixabay

As always, I had a rough start, but then when I drew a sketch of what I was going for, things went more smoothly. Here are a just few steps on the way to the final collage:

180 modified4.png
180 modified8.png
180 modified10 process.png
180 modified13 process.png
180 modified14.png

180 modified17.png
180 cloud 20.png

180 volcano 27.png
180 volcano 37.png


Every week is a unique adventure in the LMAC Collage contest, and always the adventure is fun. This week, I got to read a little bit about cats and dogs. That's a nice place for my thoughts to rest.

Please check out the LMAC curation feed to see the amazing works of art that the community artists have created.

After today, the contest is taking a little break, but the community will still be quite vibrant and active. We invite everyone on Hive to make a freestyle collage. Use you imagination and by all means use the LMAC Image Library.

A list of this past week's winners may be found here.

You can see that LIL, the LMAC Image Library, was an essential part of my collage creating process this week. Everyone on Hive can contribute to the library and everyone can borrow from the library. Learn about the procedure here.

I wish all my readers peace and health.

Thank you for reading my blog

Hive on


Don't tell anyone but I'm not a cat person. Should I espy a vessel approaching my castle flying the flag of the moggy, it'd be up with the drawbridge and ready the boiling oil.

Tak tak! Reported. 😎


Oh no! I'll be shunned by the cat lovers community. Whatever will I do?

Post a little cat blog on caturday, uh?.. 😛 ok, ok, I was joking... everyone knows that there are two kind of people: one holding a gun in their hand, and another is digging ...

🙃Great idea actually. I suppose I could kidnap a cat...just temporarily I mean, for some snaps for my special caturday blog ...after which I would of course return the little blighter unharmed.

You may even not touch it. Approach at a distance, take snapshots, etc. The visuals work for themselves on the folks who are obsessed, one dont need even to mention anything, like 'look how beautiful this kitty is'. works like self-fulfilling prophecy 💪

and ready the boiling oil


Somehow, I don't believe that.

Things were really interesting around my house for a while, before the four animals referenced in the blog took up residence. During the tenure of the 23 mice, my mother-in-law moved in with her cat😆. Fortunately, cat and lady had separate quarters, but still every now and then the cat would get out.

Your mother-in-law? And her cat? All while running a mouse hotel? I must say your capacity for self-flagellation amazes me:)


It was a weird time, but I'm talking to someone who rescues chickens, right??

It was a weird time,

Have I mentioned how much I admire your mastery of understatement?

but I'm talking to someone who rescues chickens, right??

Listen girl, in the sanity stakes, I'm way out in front!


You have added great work and stories

Thank you, @momins!

!LOLZ. Nice conception. I did not notice cats firstly 😛

Thank you! I do get carried away with the details sometimes. But then, what's the point of doing if I don't have fun.

Sure thing. I mostly into this sort of stuff, that gives me fun! (even if sometimes it may look like 'meeeeh' for other folks ))))


I'm a German Shepherd type of guy but cats are hilarious!
Great idea of transforming the sand castle and making it life-size. Very creative

Thank you! I had fun placing the people and animals all around. Like playing a game, but not a video game😀

I've had cats and dogs around me all my life so it's kind of natural to have them now. Just different personalities.

Cats and dogs...
Actually I don't know why it's commonly believed that they fight with each other 😂😂

I mean, I do know some dogs who beheads a cat on sight, but like your little pet shelter, there are some who can Co exist ✨

A beautiful collage and I loved the story behind it. I only have the one cat, Red, at present but thinking of getting him a companion…even if they don’t get along. 😊

Heavy rains today. We are okay on the Island but Nova Scotia had extreme flooding in Halifax area. There was even a beaver swimming down the street in one town.

Stay safe and be well, my friend.

Hello my dear friend, @redheadpei,
I love your weather reports, but this one is grim. Nature has not been especially kind to your area this year. Hurricanes, fires and floods. Wow. Stay safe.

Thank you for the visit and the comment. I did love to 'play' with this collage. I have to always remind myself, it's about fun and not skill.

Take care of yourself.

Your good friend, AG.

Not gonna lie but I thoroughly enjoyed reading. How beautifully you have brought the theme behind your collage to life! That was not just theoretical but you have given references within your own house. Truly, dogs and cats are tagged enemies. Although having different behavioral characteristics, both of them can stay in a house peacefully.

Ah I have deviated from the collage for a mintute. Great idea of adding sand castle, boat and those detailed flags on boats!

You are very kind. I had a lot of fun designing this and adding the details, down to the smoke on the volcano. World building is popular these days in video games. In a way, I did the same thing with my collage.

Yes, I am lucky that the family has almost always had a dog, a cat, and sometimes another sort of pet. Ready reference indeed. They do steal our hearts, don't they?

Thanks very much for stopping and offering your positive assessment of my blog/collage.

your collage is beautiful and I love the message of peace and coexistence that it conveys.

I also like the way you used the colors in your collage. The blues and greens create a sense of calm and serenity, which is perfect for the message of peace that you're trying to convey.

Thank you, @malos10,

I can't bring peace to the world, but at least in my collages I can create an aura of peace.

I did have fun making this and posting pictures of our pets. Thanks for reading and commenting.

You have made all these pictures very well as we can see especially you have done a great job with the water color which makes the pictures look very beautiful. I also have two small cats and I keep putting pictures and videos of them in my blog.

Thanks for the kind words!

I'll have to check out your blog, @djbravo . I love pictures of dogs and cats :)

Most welcome dear. And thanks alot for checking my blog.

Hi @agmoore 👋

This is a fantastic concept and a beautiful collage!
When I found the first cat in your collage, I started looking for more. Really a honeypot.
It also makes me happy to see my #LIL stuff worked in with so much passion. 👍

The dog in the picture (above), a shepherd mix, was immediately maternal

The warm hearts of our four-legged friends keep touching my heart again and again. Wonderful!

My theory of the main difference between dogs and cats is this...
When you pet and feed your dog, he probably thinks: "She feeds and pets me every day, she must be a god".
The cat on the other hand most probably thinks: "She feeds and pets me every day, I am truly a goddess". :-D

Nevertheless, cats really are fascinating contemporaries.

You know, I'm more of a Canidae guy. So maybe my perception of cats is a little bit biased. 😄


Thank you my friend, @quantumg. Your figures are so wonderful. What a find, how malleable they are. You have so many postures to choose from that you made my challenge easy. Don't they look terrific (except they are not terrifying!) in the picture?

You can see I had fun, and you can understand why the clock ran out of me. No matter.

"She feeds and pets me every day, she must be a god".
"She feeds and pets me every day, I am truly a goddess". :-D

Quite a good analysis. The dog asks for food. The cat demands food. But they are both delightful. When I'm having a petting session with the dog (she throws herself on the floor and waits😄), the cat walks by and slides under my arm, insisting on getting his due. He really does eat up the pets, but on his terms. He walks away soon with tail raised as though he's done me a favor😆

Dogs take your heart, and never give it back. Cats allow you to love them. And I do.

Hope you are finding cool refuge in these hot days.

Thanks again for that kind assessment of my collage. Very warm regards.