But suddenly the plantations began to be damaged and this brought a great tragedy for the family because the concern of not producing forced to dismiss people and the owner turned to witchcraft to achieve progress again but as the days passed the situation continued to worsen as if it had fallen or placed an evil work and this mortified so much that the owner of the house and the land began to panic and despair.
And as if that were not enough, a plague fell on the crops that were there and spread to the seed deposits and this led to a great depression that caused the owner to despair because he could not meet his customers and less pay his debts with the seed sellers to the point of getting the embargo by the bank.
The family lost more than half of the land and had to sell several pieces of machinery to pay for seeds damaged by the plague that hit the farm, This led him to drink a lot of alcohol and in a night of drinking he murdered his 2 small children and his wife when she saw such a horrendous crime screamed in pain and could not stand to see her children dead and committed suicide while the owner was crying and drinking like a madman, he went up to see his children and saw his wife dead and decided to commit suicide.
This tragedy caused a commotion in the town and in the city and at night screams were heard and ghosts and spirits were seen surrounding the house until people who live near the hacienda were frightened to see the knight of death looking for spirits or souls in pain to take them to his kingdom that night was of terror cats were heard meowing and you could hear sacks of bones sounding as if they were thrown to the ground with force.
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