Hello friends, this is my participation in the Let's Make a Collage Round 146 contest, sponsored and run by @shaka and his team.
In this roundup I used images from @seckorama and @agmoore and an image of my own (the face of the haunting woman) was also taken from the Lmac gallery, it is a photo I took of my mother about a year ago, which I edited for the community gallery. This picture of my mother reminds me of the movie "The Exorcist with Linda Blair" which is one of her favorite horror movies, she tells me that this movie was really scary back in the day.
I almost forgot to tell you that with the reference image I made a planet that I placed on top of the woman's head and from the pumpkin image I took the bats that you see in my collage.
If you want to participate here is the link
Public domain images by Pixabay and Gallery Lmac
Image 1: https://pixabay.com/es/photos/v%c3%adspera-de-todos-los-santos-7478336/
Image 2: https://pixabay.com/es/photos/serpiente-terrario-bastardos-1519994/
Image 3: https://pixabay.com/es/photos/v%c3%adspera-de-todos-los-santos-calabazas-7523893/
Image 4: https://www.lmac.gallery/lil-gallery-image/11023 @seckorama
Image 5: https://www.lmac.gallery/lil-gallery-image/11002 @agmoore
Image 6: https://www.lmac.gallery/lil-gallery-image/3150 @victor8