Following the series of Caprici, based on composition by Sebastian Anton Scherer, manuscript Am.B. 340 contains several caprici based on compositions by Francois Roberday. I already published one of them, the Capricio in g.
The capricio E vel A is based on Francois Roberday's "Caprice sur le mesme suject de Fugue 8me". Roberday's original contains three episodes, all based on the same theme, that Karges follow rather faithfully in his adaptation (though he adds a bar near the end of the third episode). The real deviation is that Karges provides two different conclusions to the piece, one in A and one in E. Hence the title. Karges probably did this so he could choose an appropriate ending to his playing, depending on what followed in the service.
The recording was done with the Hauptwerk software and the sampleset, made by Sonus Paradisi, of the Hinsz organ in the Reformed church in the Midwolda (
Score available here: