Tell Me, Don’t Assume

in #hive-17687426 days ago
“I really thought you didn’t like me”

Almost every close friend of mine initially thought I didn’t like them when they weren’t my friends. This can be attributed to the fact that I mind my business a lot which actually pays me even though others think otherwise. (Well, I will consider what they think when I start being able pay my bills with their opinions)

The main problem is, in as much my mouth wouldn’t even say anything, my face would say everything and even add a “mic drop”. This is why most people think I dislike them. They would talk and be expecting me to say something. Verbally, you wouldn’t hear a thing but my facial expression will write you an essay.

The funny thing is that for someone whose facial expressions say a lot for them, you’ll think I’m so quick to conclude on matters. Naaaa! In fact, this is something my friends like so much about me. No matter the expression on my face, I will never assume or conclude for you. If you need me to talk, I will talk. If I don’t understand something, I’m going to ask you to explain. If I need information I’m going to come to you.

Most of my friends know how I’m observant I am and how I’m so “gifted” at figuring out things. You see, because they know these traits about me, they normally “forget” to tell me things that they need to tell me. They mostly go like “oh, I thought you knew o”. I mean maybe I already knew but I’m not really going to conclude that this is the case until you tell me about it.

I’ve heard people complain bitterly about how their partners don’t know what’s wrong with them and then when I ask them if they’ve told their partners, they say no. What do you mean no? “Ahh but he can’t see that I’ve been going through a lot” Oh wow, I didn’t know when you’re going through a lot, an Angel clips it onto your forehead to make it visible to anyone.

I understand that there are people that don’t like to tell their partners how they feel or what they are going through.(this partner is not even partnering). Such people think that saying your problem makes it a problem. More like you’re now admitting that you have a problem. Well, even though a problem shared is still yours and you’re the one going to still suffer, it’s better you tell your partner if only you want him/her to know than just assume he knows because you’re off mood.

Well, for me, I’m always going to communicate to you. Express how I feel about something when I have to. Ask you questions when I have to. Everyone is fighting their own battles and for someone like me, you’re at a loss if you assume I know things. I wouldn’t know what’s wrong with you if you don’t tell me so even if you dm with “hmmm, hmmm”, you’ll “hmmm” till 2039.

Images are mine


Clear communication really is key... assuming can lead to so many unnecessary misunderstandings!

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Thank you for the support

then when I ask them if they’ve told their partners, they say no. What do you mean no? “Ahh but he can’t see that I’ve been going through a lot”

I like the fact that you used he to mean that mostly this applies to women. As much as we try to say that men are non=chalant, we still try our best to communicate our feelings or when we don' t like something when it's going on.

Women kind of always want us to instantly know what is going on with them just by looking at them and it can't work.

I know it’s mostly my gender. I’ve not met any man that said his partner should read what they are going through. It’s either they share or they don’t share.

I didn’t know when you’re going through a lot, an Angel clips it onto your forehead …

😂 ask them again oo. Like for people to just assume you should know what they’re going through is something else.
Maybe Angles have to start writing it on our foreheads

That sounds like something you’ve been through with Mrs Yahuzah🤣