in #hive-1768749 months ago

I wish stress could be eliminated from the world itself but no, it is indelible...

Each individual has a way of deflecting stress, some deal with it in their own way, whiles others may need therapy and medication. It is important that we discover what causes us to stress and also find ways to curb it.

I am not exempted from stress and its visits. Sometimes I do stress out from:
Work, Family related factors, responsibilities, economical demands regardless how things are moving from bad to worse in the economy and a host of other factors. I do not mean that I am a walking stress- habitat, (smiles) but some of these do get to me occasionally.

My stress relievers
Being me, I know I am an overthinker and I can get lost in my head, escalating my worries. I could turn a lizard into an alligator and a squid into a squirrel, when my worry gets the better part of me. For that matter, I do everything necessary to put myself out of anxiety and stress.

I open up
Talking really helps me to diffuse stress. Depending on what the causal factor is, I have friends and family to talk to. Some matters would require me talking to my mom, some would require me talking to my friends. This exercise helps to free my mind and bring along with it relieve.

I find myself a distraction
There are things that also helps me stay calm, one is listening to some inspiring songs that boosts my spirit up and makes me think less about my worries. Also, I do love to watch movies, I channel my focus into a movie that is highly possible to catch my attention. I do read too if I can.

Being my own motivator
There may be instances where the first two points may not give me the result I yearn for. The next thing I do is to face what the cause is head on. The thing about stress is, it walks with fear, panic and anxiety and can cripple your emotions. When I feel panicked about something and I can’t flush it out easily, I face the reality it comes with and let the panic consume me.
The next is to come out and snap out of it by playing some positivity in my head and sometimes, verbally making positive declarations to myself.

I pray
I isolate and lock myself up in a room and just pray. If I can relate it to a verse in the Bible, I do so and simply pray. Prayers in terms of stress and anxiety can be liberating and soothing.

Stress if not properly managed could lead to health complications, if yours requires seeing a specialist, do so, if it something you can manage on your own and with the help of others, do it.

Find that which ticks for you and stay less stressed.


Opening up and talking to loved ones can help us overcome stress, it works every time.


Ohhh an overthinker in the building. Of course, then as an overthinker we understand why opening up was on the top of your list for releasing stress


I actually thought praying was going to be the first thing because sometimes talking to people become someway bi especially when prayers and sleep could have just solved it

Going to God is the best move but being human, sometimes our human self decide.

There are times you actually have to talk it out, it works for me. It doesn't mean about everything, and to everyone,not at all, you sieve your issues.


Know yourself and embrace what God has planned for you. That was a quick one to release stress.
Thank you.

Thank you too for your contribution.

You welcome.