Seeking Happiness The Wrong Way

in #hive-17687411 months ago

Happiness. That word that we can say defines man's ultimate purpose for being alive. Every human being craves happiness and will do anything to have it. We all have our various ideas of what it means to be happy. For some it is socialising with friends and loved ones. For others it is acquiring large amounts of material possessions. Whatever our idea of happiness is, one undeniable fact is that it is the ultimate decider of our actions. Most actions undertaken by humans are to achieve happiness. 

It's Okay To Want To Be Happy. 

Like previously stated, every human being desires happiness and makes conscious efforts to achieve it. And it is perfectly okay for us to do things that will make us happy. Whether it is having satisfying relationships or acquiring wealth or engaging in other activities that make us happy it is okay. After all  being in a state of happiness is necessary to maintain our mental and psychological well-being. 

But Don't Do It The Wrong Way 

Just as there is a wrong way to do anything, so also there is a wrong way to seek happiness. Going after happiness the wrong way can harm and ruin us even when we achieve happiness. 

That wrong way is seeking happiness for it's own sake. I mean wanting to be happy by any means not caring for the consequences. People who are after happiness this way often engage in destructive, damaging things just to be happy. They can spend hours watching movies, going to parties, hanging out with friends just to be happy, while neglecting productive activities that could change their lives. Some even go as far as engaging in self-destructive habits such as indulgences in booze, drugs, overeating, overconsumption of junk foods all in the bid to keep themselves happy not minding the consequences. 

Please, dear reader do not destroy your life while seeking to be happy.

Do The Right And Necessary Thing And Let Happiness Come As A Result

Don't make happiness your ultimate pursuit. Instead let your pursuit be to always do the right thing and then achieve happiness by doing so. 

For instance instead of wanting to be happy by eating sweet but unhealthy food, rather do the right thing by eating right and happiness will come as a consequence. Instead of seeking temporary happiness by binge watching TV shows while neglecting your studies, you should rather be serious with your studies and when you succeed in your exams or acquire a degree, you will be happy. 

The happiness we usually get by seeking happiness above doing the right thing is often temporary. But the happiness we get by doing what is right and usually lasts much longer, sometimes through a life time. 

Also seeking happiness for it's own sake leaves you with regrets at the end while being happy by doing the right thing brings no regrets. 


In conclusion it's best to seek happiness the right way and that is by doing the right and appropriate things, and not the wrong way by wanting to be happy no matter what. 

Remember, you've only got once to live, so make the most of your life while you still can. 


Thanks for reading.