Navigating Friendships: An advice to my younger Self

in #hive-1768746 months ago

Dear Younger Self,

As you move through life's journey, let me give you a piece of advice I wish I knew when I was your age. I know friendships can be complex and sometimes very draining and you're trying to figure it all out. That's why I'm writing to you to give you something to take along in your journey.

The first thing I'd like to talk about is authenticity. Be authentic. It can be very tempting to compromise who you are; your values; and your morals, just to belong or fit in. It's not worth it. Don't change who you are because of someone else opinion for the worse.


Authenticity is the foundation of true connections. Real friends will accept and appreciate you for who you are with all your quirks and flaws. Being authentic will help you distinguish between real friends and acquaintances. Not everyone you meet is going to be your lifelong friend and that's fine. Spend time and invest in the right friendships.

Never cling to one-sided or toxic friendships and think it's okay. Learn to let go. People change; circumstances shift and some friendships naturally drift apart


Another thing I'd talk about is communication. Every kind of relationship for it to be stable, needs communication. Don't shy away from putting forth your emotions or expressing your thoughts. Speak up, and have difficult conversations. A healthy friendship can only thrive on honest and transparent conversations.

Try and listen as much as you speak. People love it when others are empathic and can relate to their problems. Show genuine concern for their lives, their struggles and triumphs. Be a shoulder they can lean on.


One last thing I'd say is to set boundaries and take care of yourself. Friendship should never be at the expense of your well-being. Set boundaries and respect them. Know your limits and don't be afraid to enforce them. Surround yourself with people who lift you up and respect your boundaries, rather than those who constantly push them.


It’s very important to set boundaries in friendships. Most people realize that rather too late. As for me, as soon as a make a new friend I make sure to set boundaries from the start to prevent later problems.

Yes!! I've adopted that too

What’s the point of not being able to express yourself to people you call your friends? Indeed, communication is very important in friendship.

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Yes authenticity is very crucial for friendship, thanks for sharing this write up