It's fair for models to use makeup

in #hive-17687411 months ago

A model's main business is to use their body to pose for art or showcase fashion items like clothes shoes, bags, jewellery and other commercial products. In other to be outstanding in this business you have to look good.
Is using makeup part of looking good? I would say yes it is and it's promote a healthy competition among the models.

Why it is fair for models to use makeup is because it's supposed to make them look good more Beautiful. Looking good and beautiful is a good business because everyone appreciate good looks, people, things both in the business and fashion world.

Makeup products does not pose threat to the user unlike steroids when use for a prolonged period can leads to irreversible damage of some organs in the body.

Makeup increase self esteem :- when people wear makeup they don't feel bad about their looks especially Models they feel prepared to face the crowd that are out to watch their exhibition.

Makeup also makes you looks different depending on the occasion thus they are an important means of social expressions.

Makeup can improve your mood:- If you have sudden breakout or scar on your face or expose body part when makeup is applied and the marks are reduced or make invisible you will be happy .
Makeup can do a lot to stir the appearance and health of your skin.

The use of anabolic steroids for athletes is highly illegal because is unhealthy. Most of the athletes get addicted to it and hence abuse.

It can make the athletes have mood swings which may affect the way the interact with their opponent.
The constant use will lead to different health challenge like heart failure, liver damage,high blood pressure, damage nerves etc therefore for them to live a healthy life it's better to abstain from this steroids.
Another dangerous effect of anabolic steroids is that when you want to quit it's leads to depression. Looking at all these its wise to band the use if anabolic steroids.

In conclusion

I could say that its fair for models to use makeup and photos shops because

  • It is not harmful to their health while steroids are harmful
  • Its illegal in their industry because its all about beauty.
  • Its does not pose threat to their health and to others
  • Its all about advertising their products and themselves.
  • The negative effect of wearing makeup is not as dangerous as using anabolic steroids.
  • Makeup improve mood while anabolic steroids changes mood negatively.
  • Photoshop are use for more beautiful packaging and presentation. thou there are more beautiful than the original but are not far from the truth.

Thank you for reading my write-up.


Well, it is their job description so i doubt anyone would speak against models using makeup


@nattybongo thank you for reading my write up and your input.

As far as ladies are concerned, we will always wear make-up, it has become part of us lol, for models haha, they are make-up themselves

@madilyn02 ladies and makeup are twins 🥰 thanks for reading my write up

I love your take on this. Makeup does help make people look good and it's very fair for models to wear them.

Thanks for sharing.

Makeups are like needs to models, so they must use them while athletes can still carry out their job without needing anabolic steroids.

You did break it down.