Etiquette and More

in #hive-176874last month

The major misconception people have about etiquette is that it is only for the rich, educated, or people who are exposed but everyone should learn and pay attention to the various etiquette we have.

Do you sometimes look at people and wonder if they have no idea of etiquettes? What are the few etiquettes you have realised people no more pay attention to? Do you think it’s a good thing for the society or not? If you could, what would you change about the situation.

In a world where we unconsciously celebrate nuisance, tyrants, and rude people under the disguise of them being outspoken, it is important that we learn to be nice, polite, respectful, and courteous in our own little ways as it doesn’t cost a thing rather it sets you apart from everyone else.


I think for some people the only etiquette they know is dining etiquette, where you are mostly bothered about what hand to hold your knife, how to hold your wine glass, and so on but etiquette isn’t limited to only dining etiquette as etiquette is way broader than that.

I think there are so many etiquette people do not pay attention to and surprisingly many do not even know they exist.


To start with Social Etiquette, a lot of people do not pay attention to this type of etiquette, and it seems as though it’s being ignored or thrown right out of the window in places where it should be used.
One form of social etiquette is not speaking too loud but a lot of people derive joy in speaking at the top of their voices and creating scenes in public places. Honestly, no one gives a hoot about what football club you are in nor do we care about the political party you belong to, so stop shouting in buses over stupid arguments!

Nothing annoys me like seeing people argue nonstop in public places, if you have enough facts to buttress your point then by all means head to court and make your case instead of constituting nuisance! Don’t even get me started with the people who spit on you when they are shouting. I have experienced this before and it was not funny!!


People need to learn how to comport themselves in public places, it’s called a public place for a reason, and not your bedroom!

I have a problem with social media and this generation normalizing abnormal things. Gen Z, Gen Alpha, or Beta, or whatever it’s being called I don’t care. Disrespecting your elders is not a flex, acting up and being rude is totally wrong, you can speak up or make your points without disrespecting your elders.

They are called ELDERS for a reason so courtesy demands you accord them the respect they deserve. When people act rudely in social gatherings and feel it’s okay or woke, it irks me.
People need to pay attention to social etiquette. Be polite and respectful to whomever you are speaking to.

Bathroom etiquette is another type of etiquette that a lot of people do not pay attention to and this surprises me. Imagine doing the barest minimum to protect yourself and people still can’t do it.


You walk into a clean toilet of course the cleaners do their best to keep the toilet clean and after using the toilet you leave it messy and walk away, not Cool!!
For a few minutes just imagine everyone did the same thing you did, would you be happy to walk into a messy toilet? Your guess is as good as mine.

Leaving the toilet messy means three things, you have just put the next person in an uncomfortable position, you have added to the workload of whoever is in charge of cleaning the toilet and you have just done something wrong which you are aware of.

Another thing I find people do that drives me crazy is leaving the toilet without washing their hands. How can you be so careless or lazy to storm out of the toilet with those dirty hands of yours and you still have the guts to go around shaking and touching people with your dirty hands, man this is wrong!!


People need to do better, it wouldn’t cost you anything to quickly wash your hands properly before leaving the toilet neither would it cost you anything to keep the toilet clean as you met it.

Learning and paying attention to some of these etiquettes will do us more good.

Like the Bible says “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”. I think if people are properly taught about some of these etiquettes I believe a lot of people will pay more attention to it.

All images are mine except otherwise stated.

Thanks for stopping by
Loads of Love🥰🥰

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You have actually listed great etiquette here.
I have pick some point and learn new things from your write up.
Steeze and maximum composure...

Hehehehehe glad that you learnt something form my post, thanks for stopping by @blessed-20😊

Right on point, but most of our Nigerian folks would feel someone is being all too wise or forming like they put it.

I tell you ooo

You nailed it sis, there are so many etiquette that most people are ignorant of, the spitting on someone because of their uncontrollable shouting is just the height of it. I hope we all learn.

he spitting on someone because of their uncontrollable shouting is just the height of it

It truly is!!

These points are great points and many people do not pay attention to it, I also think it's good etiquette to not stretch your hand over someones food in a bid to collect an item close by, courtesy demands you politely request for the item so the nearest person can pass it to you.

Popped in from Dreemport, always an awesome #dreemerforlife

I also think it's good etiquette to not stretch your hand over someones food in a bid to collect an item close by, courtesy demands you politely request for the item so the nearest person can pass it to you.

Yeah it is but sadly a lot of people still fail to pay attention to it.

A lot of people don't pay attention to most of the etiquettes you just mentioned here, if only they will listen things might get a lot better.

if only they will listen things might get a lot better.

Yeah if only they know about them and pay attention to them.

Thanks for stopping by.

A good point!
Speaking moderately has been overlooked, infact, to what I know, some people who speak moderate tone, are seen as shy people and some would say, they can't talked appropriately, meanwhile, it leave no room to shout in a public place.

some people who speak moderate tone, are seen as shy people and some would say, they can't talked appropriately,

I know right? It still beats my imagination how we got to this point.

I know right? It still beats my imagination how we got to this point.

Please, complete this song for me, "if you asked me, na who I go.....😁😁

Wao! I have learnt more etiquette with the ones have already known. Great work thanks for sharing

Thanks for reading dearest !Lady❤

You are most welcome

The washroom thing really annoys me so much. I can’t even express my disgust to visit a washroom and see the the unseeable.
People are just so concerned about table etiquette, they forget the rest.

Honestly, the issue of the washroom being messy is really annoying especially when it’s female washrooms. I mean , we women should even know better than to pee and not flush.

I mean , we women should even know better than to pee and not flush

They do but most of them are just too lazy or too dirty to do it.

Haha, it is well