The Learning Shock: Learn, Unlearn and Re-learn.

in #hive-1768748 months ago

Happy weekend amazing people, I hope you having a restful weekend or a busy weekend like mine. Whatever yours is I hope it brings a smile to your face. In my post today I will be writing about things I thought were true most of my life but they are not.

Before I start my writing I would like to inform my readers that this post is an entry to Hive Ghana's weekly engagement activity week 37,and you can also join the engagement through this link


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I grew up in a home where my father was very domestic, he had no issue doing all the domestic things in the house and would go to the market without any issues, so I grew up assuming that's what every man should do in a home. So that became a great challenge for me when I got married.

In African culture, men are mostly the ones in charge, the head of the family, so married to a typical African man, I had to relearn all the things I learnt in my father's house. What works for Mr A might not work for Mr B. My husband and I have an understanding that works perfectly for our home. As far as I don't see him as my dad then we are fine. So my marriage taught me not to compare people and everyone is unique in their way.

Just because my husband is not as domesticated as my dad does not make him less of a man and with understanding and communication we can all make a haven out of our homes.

There was this saying women used to say when I was growing up, they would say don't breastfeed a child beyond one year any child sucking breast after their first year is sucking sperm. That's the most ridiculous thing ever, thinking about it now makes me laugh about a lot of people's ignorance. This brings me to the second thing I had to unlearn.


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According to WHO, it is advisable to breastfeed a child for the first two years of their life. During these first 6 months, they should be exclusively breastfed while after six months, solid foods can be introduced. My major point here is the saying that after the first year of breastfeeding then the child is sucking sperm, but that's not true, I don't know how they come about that but that's incorrect.

I won't like going into the science of how breast milk is produced in the body because that's not the purpose of this post. However, breast milk is produced from the blood of the mother so there is no way a child sucking breast milk after one year is sucking sperm.

There are so many crazy things I still like to share but I won't want to bore you with all these things or maybe I will write another post about it but trust me there were a lot of things I was made to believe while growing up that are incorrect. So each day I'm thankful for growth, for the ability to learn and unlearn.

Change is the most constant thing on earth, so we need to try our best to always learn new things so as not to be outdated and also unlearn and relearn things that are not true.

Have a beautiful weekend fellas.