Is Your Message Getting Through?

in #hive-17687423 days ago
I really don’t know if God told some people that he gave others the special abilities to read the minds of others cos tell me why you always have to assume I know something. One thing I always tell people is that, don’t assume I know something, tell me directly.

I recently had a problem with someone I work with because of something like that. They were supposed to tell me something which was important but then, they assumed I knew about it when I didn’t. Eventually, I had to find out about it in another way which didn’t make me happy and all they could say was, I thought you knew. How the hell was I to know?

Most people misunderstand communication to only be about talking everyday. You can talk everyday but not pass anything tangible across to the other person. You can literally be on the phone with someone all day and still be communicating wrongly. I’d say the first mistake we the youth of today make when it comes to communication is how we assume the other party always knows.

How hard is it to tell someone that oh, I would be doing this and that tomorrow or I would be traveling tomorrow so I just wanted you to know. But , you’d come back a week later and the only explanation you give is, I thought you knew. Really? After we stop assuming stuff and start relaying messages across well, we can now talk about the tone and manner in which we put our messages across.

Most at times, we go wrong in our communication when it comes to our tone and our choice of words. Most people just say anything that comes to their mind without thinking about how the other person is supposed to receive it. Imagine someone I’m not in playing terms with telling me I’m mad out of nowhere. I’m obviously going to make a big deal out of it , and I don’t care if you think I take things personal. Once I’m not on the level with you, you don’t have the right to say that to me even as a joke. But if someone like @yahuzah should play in that manner with me I would know it’s a joke because we have the kind of vibe. What we say to others matters a lot, don’t let anyone lie to you. Read the room, know your place and communicate accordingly.

As an individual, you don’t just go around talking anyhow. You can be saying a lot but not communicating. There’s really a huge difference between talking and communicating. Let’s get that and do better.

all images belong to me.


You are right, communication goes beyond just saying out some words, the tones in which those words are been said matter as well.

And anyone who tell a person whom they are both not on that very playful level, that someone is mad is definitely asking for trouble.

Hehe, some people just look for trouble for themselves all the time. Sometimes it’s best to be quiet when you have nothing to say.

It’s actually true. You could talk to someone everyday and still not be able to pass the message across as you should. Someone said communication is not even the problem, comprehension is.
