Hello, everyone.
I welcome you to my blog. One thing I have realized is that our childhood is what makes us who we are; the type of person we grow up into actually depends on our childhood experiences, how we were raised, our parent-to-child relationship, how we related with people growing up, and how much freedom we got to enjoy—all of which contribute to how we behave and react to things as adults. Childhood is the bedrock of everything as a human being, which is why parents, neighbors, and adults around kids are advised to give them the best treatment.
Growing up, many of us had very strict parents. The no-nonsense parents we had growing up actually helped keep some of us on track because of how stubborn we were as kids. Imagine we now had the carefree parents that don't even care how you live your life; by now we would have gone deep into the wilderness astray, but every day we thank God for the type of parents we have and how they raised us.
Growing up, I was stubborn, and sometimes I ask myself if it is really me that grew up to be so calm; those days I had a time of the year set aside for fighting with friends and other kids in the neighborhood over every little thing. I caused my parents a lot of pain, but thank God they did not disown me or use the same energy to follow me up. I got punished multiple times, but the moment my energy recuperates, I go back to doing the same thing I was punished for. Those days my parents were the type that liked us indoors all the time or busy, but we did not allow that; we would always sneak out to go play football or play with other kids and set our minds that the highest they would do is punish us.
I did give my parents a headache, especially my mom, since Dad was nearly never around. The problem we caused reduced whenever Dad was around because, as a military man, he knew how to give punishments that hit the spot. Punishments that leave lasting effects on you, whenever Dad finishes, it takes like 3 days before the body recovers, so whenever he is around, everyone would be on their best behavior waiting for him to leave again, and then we continue causing our mom heartache. Despite how much we stressed her, she never loved us less, and we are indeed grateful. How much of a problem we caused her did not make her hate us or toss us aside.