Hello, everyone.
I welcome you to my blog. With the evolvement and continuous improvements of technology, the society we live in continues to change as technology is making life easier and more enjoyable for us, and we are grateful for that. As technology improves, the world and society we live in continue to change too in order to adopt and give room to what technology has to offer. I do like the idea of our world and society changing because of technology, as it gives room for newly improved technological tools and equipment to be put to good use.
Truth be told, technology and improvements are doing good for our world, and they are also harming the world and society too. There are so many things that are happening today that would have been frowned at in the past but are now seen as normal in the society and world we live in. Those days, wearing revealing clothes offline and moving on the streets, you would have at least 3 people tell you to go and change it as it is not good, but today people clap and cheer for those wearing revealing clothes, while those that choose decency get little or nothing.
Those days they only did it offline, but currently they do it both offline and online. Many content creators have seen that using half-naked or even naked girls to create content is what the audience likes, and that is what attracts them. They have now turned everything online and offline into a show of little or no decency at all. Currently, when you watch comedy videos online, you tend to wonder if it is really comedy or an 18+ video. Many ladies now post videos and pictures of themselves half-naked or even baked online to get the world's approval, gain followers, and grow their accounts, and they all call it content. Back in the day, such people would have been canceled and called out, but slowly we accepted that, and it has become a normal in the society that we live in.
Currently only those with naked content get the views and followers, while those who choose decency get little or no attention at all. Indecency has become the order of the day to the point that those who choose to stay decent tend to regret it, and some even end up joining the moving train since staying decent does not pay. Our parent's generation would have cancelled and dealt with indecency and ensured it was reduced to the nearest minimum, but the Gen Z generation has accepted it, and it is now seen as normal, and those who do not indulge in it are now the problem. I do not like the fact that our society now accepts things that should be frowned at and frowns at the wrong things.
Our society needs to go back to the one that supports decency and not immorality; we can actually improve and develop and not put decency aside.