When it comes to surviving food is one of the essential materials we need to survive but we all have our preferences starting from making it ourselves to buying it outside. Most people love to get their meal outside because it’s convenient while there are food specialists who love to make wonders in the kitchen. As for me, I am a fan of both meals but most times I prefer to make my food by myself than to purchase it outside.
Getting food outside will save you time in the kitchen especially when you’re on a busy schedule and energy and the time to cook is not there again but this comes with a lot of price.
- Lack of control
When preparing your meal by yourself you determine what goes in it like the spice, amount of seasoning, and amount of water but when getting food from a seller you lack control over all these things meaning it can taste against how you like it.
Just like one of my recent experiences while coming back from an exam Farmished and tired so I decided to get food so I wouldn’t go through the stress of cooking again, after getting my food with enough because I love to eat protein a lot getting home I discovered the rice I bought was too soft which I never liked even when I make my food at home I consistently check on my rice so it won’t get too soft.
- Healthiness
This is a very important aspect of food but most food sellers neglect this and only care about making sales and gathering their profit. There is a lot of food processing we never get to see we only have a taste and believe it’s nice but we can’t determine how healthy the process was.
Some food seller like to get their food materials at a cheaper price and they won't bother to check if it is still in good condition or it if it has expired
- Cost
Getting a meal outside can be so costly especially when you’re buying a lot of people. These days in my country for you to eat and to be okay with what you eat you’ll need to spend up to 1,500 naira imagine getting for a whole family that’s about 8,000-10,000 naira but when you use that amount of money to make food in the house it can go more than one around for the whole family.
As getting food outside is a choice we should also consider factors such as healthiness, and costs before purchasing also before getting anything try to enquire about it so you won’t fall victim to the food's negative effect on a chef.
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