There Is No End To Craving ... How Do You Measure Success?

in #hive-1768748 months ago


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When we wake up un the morning, we pray for a few things and that is for good health and for success in everything we do. Success is a big part of our being but how do we measure this success? How do you know how much successful you are and how do you know if you are unsuccessful or not? Is there an end to how successful you are?

We set goals daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and at the end of these set dates, we look back and see how much we have achieved. Is eating 3 times daily a measure of success? Is being able to eat even once a day a measure of success? My answer to this is yes.


Never give up

We all have things that bother us in this life and what is not a concern to you is of huge concern to others. Some people are able to have 3 meals daily while others struggle to even eat once. So, it might surprise you to hear someone’s daily prayer being to be able to eat today and to you that isn’t much of a goal. Some people wake up daily and that is all they pray for.

For others, they pray for huge sales daily and being able to achieve that is success for them. Let’s use our beloved hive as a study. We all want to be able to have positive impact on hive but I like to believe most of us would want huge upvotes when we publish our blogs. Some users on the blockchain through their hard work are rewarded with these upvotes which you see on all their blogs. But others out of say 7 blogs can get upvotes on only 1. Which of these two users is more successful in your opinion?



One word I will always hold dear to me is “contentment”. Being content for me is the biggest measure of success. Being content doesn’t mean one is okay with being lazy or not doing anything to improve their life. We all have dreams but when you allow certain things to cloud your judgement, you forget to appreciate what you have achieved along the line and believe you are not successful. That is why I fell in love with the words of Swami Sivanada that, "There is no end to craving. Hence contentment alone is the best way to happiness. Therefore, acquire contentment".

If you are content with what you have, there is no reason to be jealous and that is success. When you tend to want what others have without even knowing how they got to where they are, you end up chasing an unattainable dream and instead of enjoying your life, you live a life of worry.

Some people have the money to buy new phones every year while you can afford to change your phone when it stops working. Do not envy the one who can change every year but appreciate that you even have a phone that can do what you want it to do. Be content with the clothes you have but also strive to have more and make your life better.

When you are content with what you have, you can then calmly and smartly try to improve your life. But if you are not, you can end up resulting into foul play to get what you want.

So, I would like to end by saying that true success comes when you are content.

Thank you.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Wow I have been reading since bit this one caught my attention, contentment is indeed a great way to measure success.

Thank you for reading 😁

It's was my pleasure stopping by

Success comes when you're content

I strongly agree with you, being contented means accepting what you have and what you don't have, contentment is another form of gratitude, you're being appreciative of things little you have and that is success. I've captioned this one tho

You’ve summarized it all nicely. We have to learn to be appreciative

You’ve used style to say I’m not successful because you know I can’t afford food
I told you i haven’t eaten for three days and now you’ve made a post from it?😂😂😂😂
Oh nice😂😂

As you said, I am content with my situation so it’s still success😂

😂😂 you eat 5 times a day but you’re saying you can’t afford food.

😂 I’m glad you’re content

Do you have to tell everybody 🤣

What about those people that don’t pray?😂😂😂

You have said it all, real success is in being satisfied with what you have.

😂 if you don’t pray, at least you hope.

You see I’ve also spoken sense today

Alot of people are not contented with what they have that they tend to want more and it makes them feel they are not successful.

That’s very true. Without content, you’ll never feel you’re successful

Being content for me is the biggest measure of success.

Your definition of success is different from all I have been reading and to a some extent I would say it's true. Because with contentment you grow into success than with ambition

For our definition of success it all vary. Some thinks is plenty money while some thinks that is hard work with or without money. All I know is that we all success in our little ways.
Thanks for sharing

Contentment is what do many people lack and that is why they think that they are not successful in their hustle.
Be content and enjoy life.