I did not write a post for a long time. It could be a month or so. Now I started with a chess post. I need to keep myself writing on Hive. Thanks for the hivians who regurally read and comment my posts.
So it is a match of King Gambit. I want to gamble so I chose King Gamit to play This match happened as I wanted to so I want to shate this with my friends. Here is the full who want to look at.
I have to push dpawwn forward as engine said but I decided to O-O. He came and hcecked me. It looks very naural because he can move bishop with tempo. But it is a very wrong move.
I can push my pawn forward with tempo but I decided to move my king to the side. King's safety is most important thing. I can still pust pawn forward with tempo. What will he do in this position.
He put his trooops in front of my pawn storm.
I push forward and let my pawn stationed at d6. I got many space because of my pawn strom. This made me get a win.
I will finish my post here. Thanks for reading my post. See you until next post.
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