The Blessing & Curse Of Being In The Knowing

in #hive-1776823 days ago


I have a few people I never get tired of reading their posts, and I have a bad habit of sticking with their content rather than exploring other content on the chain; unfortunately, my curation has also narrowed down to them. One of these creators is burlarj. (I avoided tagging him because I did not want to bother him).

This post is not about the quality of a Hive post; rather, it is about how my consumption habits have evolved over the last 9 months. I prefer to read realistic material because I have been dealt a lot of blows in life, and I occasionally read things based on how I am feeling.

When I am excited, I like to read about the crypto market, and when I want to unwind, I just watch videos, but I also like to read about the reality of things. For example, I have a cable dish at home, and I enjoy watching reality shows because they are about real life. People's struggles, victories, pains, challenges, and everything. So the only time I read science fiction is to relieve stress and balance my perceptions of what is real and what is not.

I am subscribed to several subreddit pages, and they mostly provide realistic information about my health complications and condition, as well as my prognosis and people who have similar conditions. These are educational materials that I consume on a daily basis, and while some of them can be depressing, I now understand that we need more than just information to be happy in life.

There are things we probably do not want to know or understand; the idea of being sad for knowing certain things is something many people, including myself, avoid, but I have learned that knowledge does not have to align with our happiness or sadness for us to seek it; its purpose is to educate, inform, and ultimately help in ways we can not predict.

For what it is worth, I have been very sad a lot lately, and it is because I have chosen to seek the knowledge that I should have accumulated over time. I have read more in the last nine months than I have in a long time, and it is because I have realized that there is a lot I probably should have known but did not and still do not know, and knowing too much has caused me a lot of panic and anxiety.

However, knowledge remains knowledge, and this is the reality.

It is not like I am a mad scientist or anything; for what it is worth, I used to be a guy who did not care about or let anything bother him. However, it was simply my way of deflecting from the painful realities of my life. Sure, it provided comfort, but if I hadn't, a lot of things would not have seemed out of place.

I am a different person now, and I have chosen to be responsible for things I was not before, and being responsible has made me realize that I have been living irresponsibly for a long time, which brings me a lot of sadness and regret. Consider it this way. A toddler, for example, cannot learn things intended for adults because they require gradual exposure and assimilation to develop.

There are various things that we must learn and accept, and it may take years, if not decades, to do so, and being forced to accept them all at once can be unbearable.

Reality can be perplexing, and the concept of unfairness is one that we find difficult to accept. Accepting what will happen to us, no matter how good we think we are, is difficult. Many people take years to understand it, and for me, it took the loss of everything to do so. However, my losses and misfortunes have not caused me to give up on the possibility of anything good; the only difference is that I can now see clearly.

Of course, my sense of logic has not altered my understanding of God.

Nevertheless, it's always a challenge; convincing people that you know God and still you have a bad life.

There are many things for which God is not responsible, and that is what we usually do: blame God for common problems that we could have avoided if we had known or done better. For example, when I tell people about my faith in God, they say things like "there is a physical benefit to knowing God".

There are, but our reasoning does not work in black and white. The Bible implies in many books and chapters that man will never truly understand God with our current knowledge, and this is primarily what we apply to the concept of knowing God, which is completely misplaced. This is getting too long, and I probably still have a lot to say. If you learned anything useful from this rant, it means I will continue in another post.

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I totally get you brother. Life's struggles and trying to make sense of it all can be overwhelming. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It really ain't easy at all. We have no choice than to keep moving forward

Thanks for reading too.

It was an absolute pleasure brother

People change over time and I agree that life is unfair. Things don't really go according to plan so we have no choice but to adapt. We can't really avoid everything that comes our way and there is no way to stop interacting with people in our current society.

You're right, sometimes the only choice is just to adapt and there's nothing else, amazingly the creator has bestowed us the great skills of adaptability.

Many of us ignore some things as we are young and later regret. In some cases it's ignorance, in other cases it's the foolishness that drives the actions of our younger selves, and the vivacity and lack of worries that is specific to the age.

Knowledge can indeed be a burden, but it can also make us take better decisions, provided we are ready to listen to the warning signs and stop feeling so indestructible.

Can you share with me some of the reality shows you watch? Some of them claim to have reality shows but they act them up and that’s why I got tired of them

I mostly watch Reality TV on channel 155 and 136 on DSTV. Some of the shows are good and sometimes I just use them to pass time

I have that habit too of sticking to people that put out good material. I try to find someone new every day to check out their stuff, some days I'm too tired to do it...

Reality is perplexing, maybe also could be said that life is perplexing. It's rarely fair and good rarely defeats evil. That's probably why people enjoy superhero movies...

Life molds and shapes you as you move on through it, but the important part is to not lose yourself or you values. Keep that center focused on spirituality, and let it guide just like you said. Trust in God!

How are you doing today?

I know, I also like to stick to such people as well, good content is addictive, and sometimes it just spurs me to rant.
I haven't been explorative or doing much of discovering others, I think it's because my life has changed a lot, I just want to do best for my family and put them in a better position than I was put, so it has taken its toll on me.

I realized a lot of things too late, my brother maybe have been alive, but I chose to make a lot of mistakes and I wake up knowing that I screwed up and should have been better for myself and others.

How are you doing today?

It rained throughout today and everywhere is currently still flooded and commercial activities are almost zero.
How are you too?

Sometimes, knowledge becomes a burden, in that we're aware of how things really are and can't turn the other cheek or not be bordered by the realities of life. Facing reality and being responsible for ourselves is no easy task, but I wouldn't want to have it the other way of living in ignorance, even though it may be a good thing in the short term.

Looking forward to the next post about this interesting topic :)

Living in ignorance can sometimes save one from things like anxiety, and worry, I've lived it and I loved it, but unfortunately it comes at a cost and the cost can be devastating. The fact that we're ignorant doesn't change the outcome of anything, so at the end of the day, it's just better to know how things are..