.....Without Faith

in #hive-1776823 months ago

When I first started using Whatsapp, I looked for a phrase to use instead of the standard "Hi, I am using Whatsapp" and what immediately came to mind was "existing by Divine Intervention," which I immediately added and it has remained there ever since. I did not realize the significance of the phrase until a series of events occurred in my life.

I made decisions that saved me so many times, and I discovered that I had the ability to make last-ditch decisions that saved me from horrible occurrences, and I know I have made terrible decisions, but I tend to believe that the right decisions I have made have brought me a long way, and I know it is not entirely my fault; I am not that smart, but sometimes I make smart decisions and end up doing foolish things.

The times when I made wise decisions were not due to me; they were due to a Divine influence that I could not explain. Many people thought they would seen the last of me, but then something happened, and I was there, staring them in the face.

As a 30-year-old, I began to feel the rush of that rhema, which made me realize it was not me; my life is a miracle, a testament to the fact that something can be messed up but still good, that something can be naturally meant to wither but survives beyond logic.

I have had my fair share of pain, times when I wished I had not been born, and times when I was ready to throw in the towel and give up, but sometimes I get this extra energy to compete; I always knew I did not have it in me, but there was something that kept bringing that extra energy to go, and I knew it was not mine.

Sometimes the things I believed in come true, even when I did not work or hope for them.

The disappointments I have faced in life have turned out to be a greater blessing in disguise, and when they happened, I knew it was not me because I truly lack strength. I have seen my share of losses and wins. I have recently suffered a number of losses, including the loss of all of my family members. I did not expect it; I was the sickly and odd one out of the four of us, and it is now just me.

Am I distraught?

Yeah. Do I think I deserve better? Yes, but life is inexplicably mysterious, and even the creator cannot account for our numerical excesses because humans are powerful and have only one limit in life. I feel like I deserve an explanation for why so many things happen, such as why I always have to rely on a miracle, but years have passed, and I have realized that many people kill in order to have a miracle, which they cannot.

My health complications have been in remission for a while (I hope), but without the big money medical tests, I am still in a state of "ignorance," and while this is not a good thing, I want to leave my mind empty and void of any concerns without feeling like it is the end of the world.

I know I have had my fair share of pity, and it is been served to me in a smoking bowl, left and right, but that is the way it is. It is what people do; they pity you and move on, and sometimes you have to dig deep within yourself to find the necessary empathy to get back up.

I have wallowed in pity, believe me, but it is damning, and I will not claim to have conquered it; it is one big monster that creeps through your life like a shattered glass in a cup of water.

Most of the time, faith is what keeps me going; without faith, everything appears hazy, and there is no light at the end of the tunnel; instead, I project the light, pretend to see it, and continue walking toward it. With so many losses, I sometimes wonder if I still have my sense of projection. I have doubts about my decisions and am afraid to make more.

The strength to be daring appears to have faded, which is where faith comes in. I mean, faith is what is hoped for, the proof of things unseen. I have been learning to dig deeper and look to the heavens for guidance.

Without Faith, it's impossible to live through adversity.

If we are consumed by our current situation, the logic of life, and things getting worse rather than better, there is no need for hope. Faith is primarily evidence of things unseen but hoped for. It is survival against the odds, coming out of an impossible situation, exceeding expectations, and winning by the smallest margin. Obtaining the satisfaction of going beyond an intended destination and exceeding externally imposed limitations.

Many people believe they do not believe in God, or they do, but they do not think they need Him to get through life's challenges, but when things get tough, they start to believe in the impossible. According to the Bible, without faith, it is impossible to please God. Many people believe that the meaning of this is one-sided, but it isn't.

God understands our adversity in life, which is why He asks for Faith: if we believe everything is lost based on the statistics we have, how can we believe in the possibility of a miracle?

Granted, many people have never seen or experienced a miracle, but people beating cancer is a miracle, as are doctors' inexplicable expectations and rags-to-riches stories that required no effort or work.

For me, I now understand what it means to live by Divine Intervention; it was a grace to function beyond my means, and I am still holding on, learning to project calm in the face of storms.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Faith is what keeps us going, because we have no idea what the future has for us, but with faith in place, we're willing to keep going regardless of the uncertainty. Keep pushing bro.

Yeah, faith is what keeps on going when it's not working or looking good. Thank you for the kind words

You're welcome.

It does help by having faith, but I tend to lean more towards hope. I think most of us are hoping for something and that is why we are optimistic about trying to get by. After all, we can always get lucky if we have some hope.

Hoping is also having faith, because sometimes I think hope is built on nothing solid, just hope and that's all.

You really deserve better. I believe God had something for you and that’s why he has brought you this far even though some people feel they’d see the end of you
God is real!

Thank you for your kind words and truly beyond all means, God is real..

The divine can come in many ways, I'm glad to hear you're doing better on the health front. I hope it stays that way for the foreseeable future. It's important to have a spiritual center to help you through everything in life. I know we both understand that better than most!

I feel better, but I'm still saving towards having my blood work done and these stuffs are really expensive though, but I'm still having all that anxiety.
I felt reflective today, and was thinking out loud so I decided to write this today

It's incredible how life's twists and turns have shaped your faith and resilience. Keep pushing man !PIZZA

Incredible indeed

So sorry you lost a lot of loved ones.
You are an excellent writer, I very much enjoyed your writing.
Good Luck!!

Thank you for the kind words, appreciate it..

Keep holding on, sometimes words of affirmation go a long way in our life, it has a way of empowering us, no wonder they say words are powerful, you are truly evidence of divine grace.

Words of affirmation, true. However sometimes it doesn't work when one seems to be down and out.

Wow what a nice work

Greetings @josediccus ,

Well said!...It is faith...that gets us through this 'veil of tears'.

Two books came to mind whilst reading your post...'Elephant Man' and 'Pilgrim's Progress.'

Condolences on the loss of your family members...a very difficult time. And yet we have the promise of Christ Himself...I will never leave you or forsake you.

Wishing you all the best...God's best.

If you want to hear the Scriptures translated and taught from the original languages...You may want to see what R.B. Thieme, Jr. teaches...at this link. https://www.rbthieme.org/samplerecordings.html

Enjoyed this post very much...Divine Intervention indeed.

Cheers, Bleujay

Thank you so much. I read Pilgrim progress as a teenager and it was one of the best books of faith, salvation and heaven.
As for my losses, well they're the most painful and it's been hard to comprehend or accept them.

Thank you for your kind words. I'm a native English speaker and I very much have an in-phone KJV as well as a physical one as well, and it's the best decision I've ever made

Greetings @josediccus ,

There is a film 'Pilgrim's Progress' with Liam Neeson (plays the part of Evangelist)that has been recommended to me, I am looking forward to viewing it.


Here's something ..I could not tell if it was the whole film..but at least it tells you a bit more about it.

God's Word, His letter to us,says God chooses the time, the manner, the place of every believer's death. Remember the story of Job...or read the first chapter. The Lord giveth, The Lord taketh away...Worthy of praise and glory is the name of the Lord. Another doctrine...All things are for our benefit...I Thessalonians 5.18 In everything give thanks for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus, concerning you.

The absolute truth of the Word is what comforts us...He is perfect, He is fair. He is omniscient....God knows best. I speak to you believer to believer...with these words of comfort from our Heavenly Father.

Happy to hear you have His Word at your fingertips. ^__^

Kind Regards,


Thank you for taking the time, you're right, He's good and He's fair and His mercies endureth forever. I have taken to the word to comfort me and even if I don't have the level of peace and tranquility I currently want in my life due to everything that's happening, I still believe that he's good and nothing can change that.

I'll click the link and check the film you're talking about. I used to think that pilgrim's progress is only a book.