in #hive-1776822 months ago


It's easy to find faults in everyone else but ourselves, I'm no angel, so yeah I find it difficult to find out my faults too. Especially this one time when my best friend just needed her best friend but got an insensitive jerk at the end. As if that was not enough, it took a long time before I matured enough to understand the situation and apologize. It was then I realized that saying I'm sorry wasn't really enough, I needed to show how sorry I was so I could convince her that I could be counted on again. I used my hand to destroy what we had going because I was so proud and full of myself, which made me not realize what was right in front of me. As a matter of fact, I only realized when something similar was done to me and could now relate to how she felt.


Lizzy and I started out as best friends in 2016 when we got into the higher institution, even though she was four years older than me, she was every bit of the friend I needed. A lot of people thought she was my girlfriend, but between us, we knew we were just very good friends. A lot of times when we go broke, she always finds a way to get us to survive. We started as four musketeers and then reduced to two best friends who had just each other. At a point when she saw I was going to drop out of school in my third year, she decided to drop out too, but as a jerk, as I was, I had not the slightest idea of what sacrifice meant.


It started when my parents told me they could no longer afford to sponsor me and it was best I come back home. Lizzy would not allow me to go back home, at least not before writing my second-semester exams. So when she got her school fees from her sponsors which was supposed to be for the next year, she used it to pay my fees for that semester, got me textbooks and we fed on what was left till the semester was over. This meant she had to drop out two because of me. In the bid to look for a solution to get us back in school, she met her ex and spent a night at his place. I was super pissed when I found out (after she told me). I didn't want to hear anything she had to say and told her I never wanted to see her again.


She had promised to never see him again, and I was hoping she kept to her word, but unfortunately, she didn't and I am someone who never plays with words. Then I used to be annoyingly principled and was only listening to myself. After that argument, I left school and promised myself never to see her again. She tried numerous times to reach out to me, but I was hell-bent on standing by my words. But then two years later I met another friend who I held very dear to my heart. I didn't do as much as Lizzy did for me, but when my other friend fell in love with a player, I tried talking to her about it and boom, she immediately made me an enemy. After saying a lot of hurtful words to me, I was forced to think about my life and my relationship with Lizzy.


I thought about all the sacrifices I made for this friend who later thought poorly of me, and then it dawned on me that once upon a time, someone made way more sacrifices for me and I disregarded it. I was saving up to go back to school, but I knew I needed to reach out to Lizzy first. But this time I remembered I deleted her number in anger. Some months later I went back to school, and thankfully I found her, she had already gotten back to school a year before me so she was now in her finals. This time she was a whole new person with a fiancee ready to get married to her. Seeing all these I was happy for her and sad for myself at the same time, but then I apologized for everything I put her through with my principles. After which I decided to be the one to make the sacrifices this time, looking for every opportunity to show her how sorry I am for everything that happened. One day she looked at me and said “Kelvin, thank you for coming back, I'm happy to have my best friend here” This was when I knew I was forgiven.


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I got to the ending part and just smiled. Glad you were able to right your wrongs. Kudos.


I'm happy I was able to do that also

Mr principle abi principal thank your stars she forgave you.
Next time don't let your principles get into your head.
Such a wonderful friend

Yeah she is an amazing woman... And yeah I've learned my lesson too

Better 🤗

Wow,glad she later forgave you and it was nice that you seek her forgiveness after realizing your mistakes. We should always try to keep good friends, it's important

Yes it is very important, I'm happy to be blessed by them

Oh! Lizzy sacrificed a lot for you ooo! I am glad you finally realised it, and that you were able to get her forgiveness.

Even though it took a long time... I'm glad I was able to get my friend back

Okay, now I’m angry at you for deleting her number out of anger so apologize to me too😑

She paid your school fees? Whatt!!
That’s a lot …o

Good friends that are rare very rare

I'm sorry 😞

Yeah she did, friends like that are like 1%

I won't sha say what's on my mind while I was reading through but it is well. Glad he made amends because hive won't have contained us 😒



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True friend are hard to find - this saying is so true. You have learnt many lessons about yourself and relationships. The most important thing is you applied what you learnt as that is one can develop. It is good that you could meet Lizzy again - she is one of a kind.

Posted using Neoxian City

Yes she is indeed

Hmm the babe moved on so fast, you could have been in that fiancee spot but anyways shit happens for us to learn and move on sometimes everyone deserves a second chance and more chance though

Although she was four years older than me, I think we are better off as just friends

Hmmmm well if you think so your choice your life

Good friends like her are very hard to find. It's a good thing you too reconnected and she forgave you.

Came in from dreemport.

I am grateful we were able to reconnect. thanks for stopping by