
in #hive-17768211 months ago


Such toxicity that makes you
Pick on everyone that comes your way,
That makes you easily find errors in other's acts
That makes you think
That every action is intentional,
Do away with it!

Such toxicity that makes you
Water down high spirits,
Kill excitement and enthusiasm,
That makes you send cold chills
To warm hearts
Do away with it!

Toxicity is a murderer,
It kills, just after stealing your heart.
And paints you evil
And renders your body useless and
Your presence, unappreciated,
Do away with it!

You can do better!
You can correct without judging,
You can love without hating,
You can live a non-compromising life,
You can lead well,
If you do away with toxicity!

No one is born with a special nature,
Not to count offences or
Love offenders. All is born
With a heart ready to judge
And speak according to our feelings,
Just that some have trained their hearts not to be toxic.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.


You can correct without judging

Toxicity stems from pride.
The feeling that one is better than or superior to one's potential victims.
The toxic is almost always proud.
This is evidenced in our daily experiences.
Humility is essential in harbouring less toxicity.
Let's be humble.

Toxicity isn't good at all, it can actually make people hate you and no one would like to be around you.

What a great poem, that's how it has to be, because there are many people who envy in silence, there are people who resent the happiness of others and look for the slightest mistake to criticize them, those people simply have to be discarded and get away from them a little, in addition to eliminate any thought or issue any opinion that may affect another person, beautiful writing ♥

I often ponder a question that weighs on my mind. I firmly believe in the existence of supernatural forces, those powerful entities that operate beyond the scope of our understanding, influencing aspects of life we can't entirely grasp.

When I observe certain behaviors in people, I'm inclined to think they are deliberate, perhaps not consciously, but stemming from some unspoken agreement. I've come to understand that these supernatural forces only align themselves with those who share their intentions, reinforcing my belief in the intentionality behind these actions.

Consequently, I've faced the challenge of addressing the actions of friends that seem to resonate with these malevolent forces. Unfortunately, this has led some to perceive me as difficult, unsociable, or, in a way, akin to the sentiment conveyed in this poem – somewhat toxic. However, this isn't my intent.

So, I'm left wondering: how can I effectively communicate my true intentions to people while maintaining a friendly, respectful, and non-toxic demeanor?

So true. We can actually do better other than been toxic towards people. Toxicity can make you feel isolated and lonely because people will not like to come close to you again. It is important we learn how to control our toxic emotions and replace it with empathy.

oof... this reminds me of once upon a time when I was facing toxicity at work... I couldn't stand the environment so I left the job only after 1 month. I'm glad I did it. No regrets.

You can do better!
You can correct without judging,
You can love without hating,
You can live a non-compromising life,
You can lead well,
If you do away with toxicity!

I really love this lines.
Thank you for this piece. It's wonderful that we get value everyday from reading your works. Well done sir @olawalium.

No one is perfect, we all are imperfect, so why try to see the perfectness in others? and judging them on the basis of these imperfections? this thing will lead us to behave badly toward the people living with us or have any connection with us.