Esta va a ser una interesante Batalla de TARSA vs TARSA asi que la mejor estrategia va a ganar, empezamos por mi invocador TARSA que añade 1 mas de ataque y 1 mas de vida a todas mis cartas, las reglas son 25 de mana y 2 escudos extras para todos!
This is going to be an interesting TARSA vs TARSA Battle so the best strategy is going to win, we start with my TARSA summoner which adds 1 more attack and 1 more life to all my cards, the rules are 25 mana and 2 extra shields for everyone!
En primer lugar y como tanque pongo a LIVING LAVA, esta ahi para soportar todos los embates del enemigo y ademas tiene 2 de escudo asi con las reglas tendria 4 de escudo, es de esperar que este vivo bastante tiempo! 😀
En segundo lugar, detras de mi tanque va una carta que me encanta FINEAS RAGE con la habilidad de reach, quizas la carta que mas me gusta con esa habilidad y una carta que acabo de comprar! Tiene 5 de velocidad, es una bestialidad!!! 😁 De verdad que esta carta me gusta mucho y por fin la pude comprar, cuesta 7 de mana tiene 2 de ataque y 8 de vida es una carta bastante completa.
En tercer lugar pongo a FURIOUS CHICKEN porque mi estrategia en esta batalla involucra a arqueros asi que FURIOUS CHICKEN esta ahi para hacerles ganar mas tiempo.🤗
En cuarto lugar pongo a mi primer arquero costando solo 3 de mana y con 2 de ataque GRENADIER el ataque es doble si el enemigo no posee ataque, la debilidad es que solo tiene 1 de vida, lo utilizo porque creia que el enemigo podria poner una carta de mucha vida sin ataque y jugarme el sneak o con magia.😎
En quinto lugar el protagonista de esta historia SCAVO FIREBOLT! lo pongo en esa posicion porque quiero que me proteja la espalda y tambien quiero que sus ataques causen mas daño el mayor tiempo posible!
En ultimo lugar para proteger aun mas mi espalda y quien sabe si de ser necesario dar el golpe final pongo a SCORCH FIEND ya que tiene 0 de mana y podia rellenar ese espacio con el, muchas veces olvido mis cartas de 0 de mana y la verdad es que hacen la diferencia la mayoria de las veces!
First of all and as a tank I put LIVING LAVA, it is there to withstand all the onslaught of the enemy and also has 2 shield so with the rules it would have 4 shield, hopefully it will be alive for a long time! 😀
Secondly, behind my tank goes a card I love FINEAS RAGE with the reach ability, maybe the card I like the most with that ability and a card I just bought! It has 5 speed, it's a beast!!!!! 😁 I really like this card a lot and finally I could buy it, it costs 7 mana has 2 attack and 8 life is a pretty complete card.
In third place I put FURIOUS CHICKEN because my strategy in this battle involves archers so FURIOUS CHICKEN is there to make them win more time 🤗.
In fourth place I put my first archer costing only 3 mana and with 2 attack GRENADIER the attack is double if the enemy has no attack, the weakness is that it only has 1 life, I use it because I thought that the enemy could put a card with a lot of life without attack and play me the sneak or with magic.😎
In fifth place the main character of this story SCAVO FIREBOLT! I put him in that position because I want him to protect my back and I also want his attacks to cause more damage as long as possible!
In last place to protect my back even more and who knows if it is necessary to give the final blow I put SCORCH FIEND since he has 0 mana and I could fill that space with him, many times I forget my 0 mana cards and the truth is that they make the difference most of the times!
The truth is that the battle was quite exciting and fun, my strategy worked perfectly because my opponent focused on sneak and opportunists, for a moment I thought I was in trouble but it was not so my 0 mana cards my archers and mainly SCAVO FIREBOLT supporting all those sneak hits made the difference because it gave me time to weaken his front and there my cards gained advantage! Maybe what I would have changed would have been my GRENADIER archer for a sneak for example... Overall I'm pretty happy with the result!
😉 If you want to see the battle click
![Captura de pantalla 2022-05-22 210458.jpg](
Eso es todo en esta edicion de Share your Battle con SCAVO FIREBOLT como protagonista!
Unete a este maravilloso juego AQUI te espero!
Todas las imagenes las edite con Canva o les tome screenshot a la pagina oficial de splinterlands.
Hasta la proxima!
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All images were edited with Canva or I took screenshots from the official splinterlands website.
See you next time!
Posted using Neoxian City