Buying my "First NFT" ESP/ENG

in #hive-1776822 years ago

Today I'm going to tell you my experience buying my first NFT, the first NFT commonly JPEG or PFP without any utility, but just that, a photo and that's it! I am used to buy NFTs that have a specific use in games, NFTs that the reason to have them besides collecting is because I can use them in the games I play.


I have been following closely the AVAX community since there is a project that I am part of that has part in AVAX too so I can read what part of the influential community says, one day I see that they are talking about a NFT project that had few hours of issued, that had already sold everything and that its value had already tripled! Out of curiosity I entered and started to investigate the subject, I learned several interesting things, the first is that the NFTs have rarities so the less common it is the rarer it will be, the other thing I learned is that the less NFTs are minted the more the NFTS are worth and the more they are worth because they are less common, another thing I learned is that depending on the project and the people involved owning an NFT is like having a club membership and being part of a community of those who own those nfts.


The NFT I bought was a LIL BOOT, something quite MEME that's its only use a group of people decided to buy it and make it kind of cool so if you want to be cool you have to have one, basically everything revolves around flexing, I was able to do all this because I had a small amount of AVAX in a wallet I won in a past giveaway so I was able to experience something that I think is pretty silly!!!!!


All the speculation that surrounds NFT is awesome to see! I think their mint cost 0.5 AVAX which would be about 5 dollars, there are only 200 available at most, it's a relatively small amount, when I went in to see it their minimum price was 1.50 AVAX already costing about 15$, I decided to buy a slightly rarer and more expensive one that cost 1. 82 AVAX about $18 with the sole purpose of speculating with it, it has been about 5 days and the NFT project apparently has not gone out of fashion but it seems to grab more strength and I see that in the social spheres of AVAX there is still much talk of the project, its floor is now at 3. 90 AVAX which would be about $39, that means that if I wanted to sell I am already selling a little more than double, but I want to sell it at 5.75 AVAX almost $60 to earn triple and a little more than I bought it and I think it is quite likely!!!!



The NFT market is extremely speculative and fun, in reality it is the same as buying useless tokens, but it is much easier to pumpear, too bad I learned about it so late because I know I missed hundreds of opportunities to make money just by mining NFTS, I think at this point it is no longer so profitable or not so easy as there are more than ever, every day they create many NFTs projects and it is a terrible spam!!!! I also bought another NFT from another project because I thought it was horrible, that the one who made it and those who own it will be degenerates and if something is going to pumpear is a vomit project like that, it cost me 1 AVAX mintearlo, to see if I can get triple in the future as they are still for sale!

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All images are edited by me in Canva or screenshots taken from the official website!

See you next time!



Hoy les voy a contar mi experiancia comprando mi primer NFT, el primer NFT vulgarmente JPEG o PFP sin ninguna utilidad, sino solo eso, una foto y ya! Estoy acostumprado a comprar NFTs que tienen una utilidad especificamente la de los juegos, NFTs que la razon de tenerlos ademas de coleccionar es porque los puedo utilizar en los juegos que juego.


He estado siguiendo de cerca la comunidad de AVAX ya que hay un proyecto del que soy parte que tiene parte en AVAX tambien asi que puedo leer lo que dice parte de la comunidad influyente, un dia me pongo a ver que estan hablando de un proyecto NFT que tenia pocas horas de emitido, que ya se habia vendido todo y que su valor ya se habia triplicado! Por curiosidad entre y me puse a investigar del tema, aprendi varias cosas interesantes, la primera es que los NFTs tienen rarezas asi que mientras menos comun sea mas raro sera, lo otro que aprendi es que mientras menos NFTs se minteen mas valen los NFTS y mas valen porque son menos comunes, otra cosa que aprendi es que dependiendo del proyecto y la gente involucrada poseer un NFT es como tener la membresia de un club y ser parte de una comunidad de los que poseen esos nfts.


El NFT que compre fue un LIL BOOT, algo bastante MEME esa es su unica utilidad que un grupo de gente decidio comprarlo y volverlo algo cool asi que si quieres ser cool tienes que tener uno, basicamente todo gira en torno al flexing, todo esto lo pude hacer porque tenia una pequeña cantidad de AVAX en una cartera que gane en un giveaway pasado asi que pude experimentar algo que creo que es bastante tonto!!!


Toda la especulacion que envuelve al NFT es impresionante de ver! Creo que su minteo costo 0.5 AVAX que vendrian ser aproximadamente 5 dolares, solo hay 200 disponibles como maximo, es una cantidad relativamente pequeña, cuando entre a verlo su precio minimo era de 1.50 AVAX ya costaba unos 15$, decidi comprar uno un poco mas raro y mas costoso que costaba 1.82 AVAX unos 18$ dolares con el unico proposito de especular con el, han pasado como 5 dias y el proyecto NFT al parecer no ha pasado de moda sino que al parecer agarra mas fuerza y veo que en las esferas sociales de AVAX aun se habla bastante del proyecto, su piso ahora esta en 3.90 AVAX que serian unos 39$ Dolares, eso significa que si quisiera vender ya estoy vendedor un poco mas del doble, pero quiero venderlo en 5.75 AVAX casi 60$ dolares para ganarle el triple y un poco mas a lo que lo compre y creo que es bastante bastante probable!!!



El mercado de los NFTs es extremadamente especulativo y divertido, en realidad es lo mismo que comprar tokens inutiles, pero es mucho mas facil de pumpear, lastima que aprendi de esto tan tarde porque se que perdi cientos de oportunidades de hacer dinero solo por mintear NFTS, creo que a estas alturas ya no es tan rentable o no es tan facil ya que hay mas que nunca, todos los dias crean muchos proyectos NFTs y es un spam terrible!!! Tambien compre otro NFT de otro proyecto porque me parecio horrible, que el que lo hizo y los que lo poseen seran unos degenerados y si algo va a pumpear es un proyecto vomitivo como ese, me costo 1 AVAX mintearlo, a ver si le puedo sacar el triple en el futuro ya que aun estan a la venta!

Espero que te haya gustado este post!
Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leerlo!

Sigue mi cuenta de sorteos @titoraffles

Todas las imagenes son editadas por mi en Canva o screenshots tomados en la pagina oficial!

Hasta la proxima!!!


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But it was too corny.

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