The power of silence

in #hive-1776822 years ago

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We can refer to Silence as the actual state or a period of time that an individual spends without voicing out or speaking. In the other perspective,we can refer to silence as the period of thinking some small percentage of people tend to use that particular period to think and make whatever decisions they want to make..

But sadly many people do not really value silence because they assume or think that silence is only a state of being quiet and so they find the act to be boring , but if an individual really reflect on the other side of "silence" then they would discover that silence is a very powerful tool and it can be considered to be one of the greatest factors which has really helped alot of successful people to be able to achieve their true journey to success.

Some of importance of silence includes..

1...Stress prevention

Yeah you heard it right, okay look at a scenario where your business partner or work partner asks you to help them complete a certain task because they are busy , do you know that keeping silent for some little period of time can assist you in making better decisions on whether to complete the task or not or how to complete the task in the right way..

When you just quickly answer to the task without thinking, you might really end up accepting to really engage in the task and there might be tons of task which are waiting for you and that could lead to more work stress for you , so staying silent sometimes can help you to be able quickly process everything before taking decisions..

2..Making right decisions

Silence can help a person to Make the right decisions , before making decisions, it is better for a person to ensure that they check all the boxes in order to make better decisions , engage in the silence period helps alot of people to be able think deeply about what they want to do and it helps them to be able to prevent wrong decisions or bad decisions which could cause chaos to them..

3..Silence makes one to become a better listener and a better communicator..

A person who understands the power of silence will be able to understand that keeping silent for a while can help them to be able to complete conversations , it makes them to become a great listener who is willing to stay silent and listen to others , you would agree me with that most times when we do not have deep thoughts before talking , we tend to say the wrong things at the right time or say the right things at the wrong time....Staying silent can help the person to process what they want to say and it helps them to be able to say the right things at the right time..

4..The silence is a powerful tool which can help an individual to be able to critically and perfectly think about certain goals at a certain time because silence creates the room for focusing on something without any form of disturbance..