My childhood bike experience, what's your?

in #hive-1777456 months ago

Hello everyone, I feel good to be in this great community where I can share my cycling experiences.

I'm quite thrilled to share my kid days with my bike, all I can recall vividly was nothing but a brief memory of amazing deeds. I can remember my age grade riding around the neighborhood and it was always a thing of joy to watch them put on and showcase their skills, and this gives you and it makes me love the new environment.

When all that happened, I wished and prayed for a with my bike and Dad would keep telling me you have to impress me with your results and a good grade, on one blessed day, I can remember vividly, it was on a weekend a, and on a Saturday morning when he calls me out and pointed out on a delivery guy with a big wrapped box, and when it was brought closer and open, behold it was a bicycle and the excitement in my eyes was not to be commented on, my dad bought me my favorite red color and he made extra work ok the body by displaying my favorite games characters on the body of the newly opened bicycle and I couldn't wait to join the kids and make a ride in the neighborhood and I was not too sure of my riding capabilities.
But with some words of encouragement and a little practice, I was set to spin around perfectly in full confidence

As each day passed by, my confidence grew more confidence based on consistency and avoiding riding rehearsal.
it was a good time now to do without the training wheels and start riding on my own, I can remember vividly that my parents developed a feeling nerve-wracking, especially when they Watched me pedaling down or off the street without any support and the training wheels.

Now, I'm quite proud to announce that I'm a pro on my bike. I love nothing more than going for long rides with friends around the neighborhood, we always explored new paths, and park discovery centers and found out some hidden gems along the way as we rode.

Aside from the physical aspect of riding benefits, as a child cyclist, I have to learn and experience valuable life lessons. I have learned the necessities or importance of determination and perseverance, l learned that because of picking myself up after a fall and trying again severally. I also learned about team trust, and building personal self-confidence.

Before I call it a day on My cycling experience, I as a child's bike memories and experiences, have been a journey of growth and discovery. Above all my parents shows up their capabilities.

All images taken while I was in a motion


Life lessons come from anywhere in any form. Sometimes we realize it only then and sometimes we think later on how amazingly those moments taught us. I really liked your childhood story!😊

You are right dear friend and thanks for stopping by

Reading your childhood cycling experience is a flashback of the memories i used to have. Your story makes cycling easier an worth the memories you had.

Thanks for stopping by dear friend

Un gran padre es aquel que es muy atento a su hijo y por más que sea hace lo posible por hacerlo feliz. Muy bonita historia amigo, me llega al alma♥.

A great father is one who is very attentive to his son and however much he does his best to make him happy. Very nice story friend, it touches my soul♥.

Your childhood bike story is truly heartwarming!

It's amazing how a simple bike can teach us so much about perseverance, confidence, and the joy of exploration. My own bike adventures as a kid weren't too different - those were days filled with scraped knees, laughter, and the thrill of discovering new paths.

Isn't it fascinating how such experiences shape us? I'd love to hear more about your biking adventures and the lessons they've taught you over the years!

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I'm so excited and happy for the warm words and for supporting my post, I will do well to join and follow the community project as invited