Hurt While Biking

in #hive-17774510 months ago

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Hurt While Biking

I was riding my bike down the street when I hit a big stone and fell off. I hurt my arm badly when I hit the ground. It was bleeding and starting to swell up. I walked my bike home, holding my arm that was throbbing with pain.

When I got home, I washed the scrape on my arm with soap and water to clean it. The cut was deep but not too big. I put some medicine cream on it from the medicine cabinet to help it heal. Then I wrapped my arm in a soft bandage to protect the sore scrape while it started to mend.

To ease the pain, I took the doctor's recommended dose of an over-the-counter pain reliever tablet. I will have to be gentle with my injured arm for a while. No heavy lifting or sports that might hit my arm. But soon, with rest and medication, my arm should start feeling better after this bad bicycle fall.

I learned that hitting a rock while biking can cause a painful spill. Next time I'll go slower and be more careful watching the road to avoid injuries. For now, I'll take it easy to allow my wound and arm time to fully heal after this bicycle mishap. But once the soreness fades.

As I pedaled faster, I didn't notice a large jagged rock right in my path. Before I could steer around it or brake, my front tire hit the rock dead on. The impact made me lurch forward as the bike halted abruptly. I went flying over the handlebars and landed hard on my left side. A sharp pain instantly radiated from my arm.

Rolling over, I looked down to see an angry scrape oozing blood across my forearm. Just my luck that I’d landed directly on a prickly bush! As adrenaline kicked in, my arm started pounding and swelling around the tender wound. This was definitely more than a minor tumble.

Gingerly, I picked up my bike to walk the six blocks home, cradling my throbbing arm, stained with blood and dirt. When I got in the front door, I beelined for the bathroom sink. As gently as possible, I cleaned dirt and debris from the messy scrape, using mild soap and water. It was pretty deep. Next, I opened the medicine cabinet for antibiotic cream and dressing wraps to cushion the sore injury.

I swallowed the maximum ibuprofen dose to help relieve swelling and pain over the next difficult few days. The doctor said to avoid using my injured arm much at all while it heals after such a hard fall. So for now, it’s lots of couch time and watching out for this lesson: focus fully when speeding on my bike, or I’ll wind up with worse than just a battered arm!
I look forward to riding again!

Thank you for reading my post

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It's good to always observe while cycling to avoid accident.
Visiting the doctor was the best you have done

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