in #hive-178265last year

Saludos, y bienvenidos a mi blog.

En el día de hoy les quiero comentar que la pasé de maravilla tenía tiempo que no me sentía tan bien como hoy.

En la mañana salí con mi esposo a hacer mercado él quiso acompañarme y fuimos los dos al mercado que queda cerca de donde vivimos. Fue maravilloso ir con él porque mientras nos dirigíamos al lugar, en el camino íbamos dialogando y disfrutando de la salida.

Les cuento que en la avenida hay muchos mercados así que se puede comprar en donde uno quiera y sea más económico todos cuentan con grandes variedades de productos y alimentos algunos a un buen precio otros no tanto.

Nosotros fuimos al que siempre vamos ya que los precios son accesibles y los productos son de buena calidad, bueno hasta ahora lo han sido. Sin embargo como todo mercado los precios varían, aun así compramos las cosas que íbamos a comprar. Me gusta este mercado, es muy amplio comparado con otros a los que he ido qué las personas ni siquiera pueden caminar y se tropiezan unos con otro es caótico para comprar. Lo único que no me gusta y creo que a nadie es tener que hacer fila para poder pagar, sí, aquí en Venezuela para los que no saben, se hace cola casi para todo y eso sí es estresante.

Nos tocó hacer la fila, estaba súper larga, "lo bueno" es que avanzaba rápido y no esperamos mucho tiempo allí, no pudimos comprar todo en ese mercado, algunas cosas las compramos por fuera.

Seguimos caminando y nos detuvimos en un puesto a comprar algunas hortalizas. Yo acostumbro siempre a comprar en este puesto, ya que las hortalizas y verduras son muy frescas, a mi esposo no le gusta porque a decir verdad los precios son elevados. Aun así yo sigo comprando allí las veces que voy, y como les dije son hortalizas en buen estado a diferencia de otros puesto, que si bien, es cierto son precios buenos, pero las hortalizas están feas o podridas.

En fin, lo bueno es que la pasamos bien, en el camino nos detuvimos en un puesto donde vendían galletas y tortas, compramos unos besitos de coco y un cortado (para los que no son de Venezuela, son como una especie de torta o pan que lleva suficiente panela o papelón. Estaba superdelicioso el besito de coco, tenía tiempo que no disfrutaba de uno de estos bocadillos; me trajo muchos recuerdos mientras lo comía. Me hizo recordar a mi abuelita a ella les fascinaban y siempre cuando tenía o le regalaban ella me llamaba para darme un pedazo, siempre compartía de lo poco que tenía, eso nunca lo olvidaré.

Así fue nuestra mañana, me encantó haber salido con mi esposo, muy poco salimos ya saben el trabajo y ocupaciones no da tiempo de salir los dos por lo menos a hacer mercado. Para otras cosas si salimos cuándo podemos y apartamos un poco de nuestro tiempo y dejamos el trabajo y ocupaciones a un lado por lo menos en ese momento y nos escapamos.

Gracias amigos por visitar mi blog. Saludos y un abrazo.


Greetings, and welcome to my blog.

Today I want to tell you that I had a wonderful time. I haven't felt as good as I did today for a long time.

In the morning I went out with my husband to go to the market, he wanted to go with me and we both went to the market that is close to where we live. It was wonderful to go with him because while we were going to the place, on the way we were talking and enjoying the outing.

There are many markets on the avenue so you can shop wherever you want and it is more economical, all of them have a great variety of products and food, some at a good price, others not so much.

We went to the one we always go to because the prices are affordable and the products are of good quality, well so far they have been. However like all markets the prices vary, even so we bought the things we were going to buy. I like this market, it is very spacious compared to others I have been to where people can't even walk and they bump into each other, it is chaotic for shopping. The only thing I don't like and I don't think anyone else does is having to wait in line to pay, yes, here in Venezuela for those who don't know, you have to wait in line for almost everything and that is stressful.

We had to wait in line, it was super long, "the good thing" is that it was moving fast and we did not wait long there, we could not buy everything in that market, some things we bought outside.

We continued walking and stopped at a stall to buy some vegetables. I always buy at this stall, because the vegetables are very fresh, my husband does not like it because the prices are high. Even so, I still buy there whenever I go, and as I told you, the vegetables are in good condition, unlike other stalls, where the prices are good, but the vegetables are ugly or rotten.

Anyway, the good thing is that we had a good time, on the way we stopped at a stand where they sold cookies and cakes, we bought some coconut besitos and a cortado (for those who are not from Venezuela, they are like a kind of cake or bread that has enough panela or papelón. It was super delicious the besito de coco, it had been a while since I enjoyed one of these snacks; it brought back a lot of memories while I was eating it. It reminded me of my grandmother, she loved them and whenever she had them or they were given to her she always called me to give me a piece, she always shared what little she had, I will never forget that.

That's how our morning was, I loved going out with my husband, we don't go out very much, you know, work and occupations don't allow time for both of us to go out at least to the market. For other things we do go out when we can and we set aside a little of our time and we leave our work and occupations aside at least at that moment and we escape.

Thanks friends for visiting my blog. Greetings and a hug.


I like this market, it is very spacious compared to others I have been to where people can't even walk and they bump into each other, it is chaotic for shopping.

You wouldn't like shopping here at all because the definition of a market is a crowded place. Only time the markets are not crowded are when it's not market days. Yeah we have days specifically designated for market days where almost everyone comes to the market to shop. That is not to say that people don't go to the market on non-market days, but just that there are more people there on those days and so you have the luxury of choosing from different sellers with different prices.

I don't understanding the waiting in lines to pay though. Is the wait probably because they only take cash?