When people begin to talk about societal challenges such as job scarcity, limited access to essential services, and inadequate infrastructure, the focus often falls solely on the government as responsible for their provision. Of course, governments are responsible for ensuring the well-being of their citizens; that's the very essence of their existence. It makes sense then, for people to task their government with responsible management of taxpayer money.
In countries like Ghana, where not so many individuals are employed or own businesses that pay taxes, the majority of people who could contribute through tax payments may either lack jobs or, due to their menial jobs, not have enough income to pay taxes. Additionally, the issue of misappropriation of public funds also impedes developments that could speed up nations' progress in raising the standard of living for citizens.
As a known fact, government alone can't bear all the responsibility, such as providing enough jobs and even basic amenities. We can all play a part in nation-building; everyone's contribution is needed.
Impacts Can Be made when People Are empowered through education
We have the capacity to bring about the change we would like to see, and I believe many impacts can be made when people are empowered to discover, realise their full potential and take actions to improve their circumstances. Empowerment can be done by providing education to enlighten people.
I believe it's a crucial step towards nation-building. Everyone loves to see change, but often the know-how to cause that change is missing. If people can receive exposure to how the resources around them could be harnessed for good, change would have taken place in their lives and communities.
Individuals can champion the cause for change by showing others the way. I'm glad to see how, through the Hive Empowers Communities project, we have been very instrumental in showing people how technology can be leveraged for the greater good.
There are many young people who can make the most of their time online while profiting from it. Technology alone has shown us how our lives could be made better through its innovative power. Living in a world where technology has provided us with many possibilities, I believe there is more we could do see see the change we desire.
We see progress when innovation is at forefront of education
Many people become frustrated when they invest in education but struggle to find job opportunities afterward. I wonder why entrepreneurship is never prioritized in most educational settings, and why financial literacy is not even a part of most curricula when educators know well that it's something individual students will need after school.
So I would say it's not even enough to be given education that never empowers you to think innovatively. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are what's needed to address societal challenges effectively. Therefore, every piece of knowledge people receive should empower them to think critically about finding solutions. I believe it's through this approach that we can better solve the many problems we see around us.