Acompáñanos al supermercado y jugar con mis sobrinos. [ESP-ENG]

in #hive-1782659 months ago


Feliz noche amigos de Daily Blog hoy quiero compartir con ustedes un poco de mi día y es que con mi mamá fuimos a hacer compras al supermercado, también hice el almuerzo y la cena para consentirla y también pase un rato con mis sobrinos. Hoy hice de todo un poco y me encantaría compartirlo con ustedes.Happy night friends of Daily Blog, today I want to share with you a little bit of my day and that is that with my mother we went shopping at the supermarket, I also made lunch and dinner to pamper her and I also spent some time with my nephews. Today I did a little bit of everything and I would love to share it with you.



Desde hace días teníamos que ir al supermercado pero entre una cosa y otra no habíamos podido ir, pero hoy nos levantamos y fuimos al supermercado. Es increíble como a medida que crecemos podemos disfrutar tanto el ir al supermercado, yo la verdad que disfruto mucho ir y mi mamá también así que siempre que podemos vamos juntas al supermercado.For days we had to go to the supermarket but between one thing and another we had not been able to go, but today we got up and went to the supermarket. It's incredible how as we grow we can enjoy going to the supermarket so much, the truth is that I really enjoy going there and so does my mother so whenever we can we go to the supermarket together.




Algo que no puede faltar cada que vamos al supermercado son las compotas para mí sobrino, bueno aunque siempre compro algunas para el y otras para mí. En esta compra llevamos vegetales, frutas, arroz, pasta, carnes y algunas cosas para lavar nos hacía falta de todo un poco en casa. También ví algunas galletas que me gustan y decidí tomar un paquete.Something that cannot be missing every time we go to the supermarket are compotes for my nephew, well although I always buy some for him and others for me. In this purchase we brought vegetables, fruits, rice, pasta, meats and some things to wash, we needed a little bit of everything at home. I also saw some cookies that I like and decided to grab a package.


Mientras estaba en el área de las frutas ví este paquete de kiwi y recordé que me encantan pero no puedo comerlos porque soy alérgica, recordé la vez que hice una torta y tuve demasiada alergia por comer un poco del kiwi que llevaba la torta.While I was in the fruit area I saw this package of kiwi and I remembered that I love them but I can't eat them because I'm allergic, I remembered the time I made a cake and I had too much of an allergy to eat some of the kiwi that was in the cake.



Y una vez ya teníamos todo lo que necesitábamos nos fuimos a la caja a pagar mi mamá fue colocando todo y me decía que fuera viendo cuánto íbamos gastando, muchas veces creo que está es la parte que a ella más la estresa. Que no se vaya a pasar del presupuesto que llevamos.And once we had everything we needed, we went to the cash register to pay, my mother was placing everything and told me to see how much we were spending, many times I think this is the part that stresses her out the most. That she is not going to go over the budget we have.



Y el total de nuestra compra fue de casi 81$ y les cuento que nuestro presupuesto era de aproximadamente 50$ al principio y yo solamente le envié una foto de mi mamá a mi primo que se encuentra en estados unidos y el me dijo que enviaría 30$ y de verdad el sabe que apreciamos mucho su ayuda. De verdad que es tan bello ver que todo el amor que mi mamá le dió cuando el era un niño el lo refleja en cuanto la quiere y cuánto quiere verla bien, no es obligación de el enviar nada pero siempre está pendiente en ayudarnos y colaborar en lo que necesitemos y esto es algo que apreciamos mucho. Y sin lugar a dudas esto me recuerda a mis queridas amigas @melinda010100, @sunscape @farm-mom @karenb54 que en tiempos donde mi día a día era tan difícil ella me ayudaron aún estando a tantos kilómetros de distancia. Siempre tendré una gratitud infinita por todas las personas que nos ayudan y hacen que tengamos una mejor calidad de vida.And the total of our purchase was almost $81 and I tell you that our budget was approximately $50 at the beginning and I only sent a photo of my mother to my cousin who is in the United States and he told me that he would send 30 $ and he really knows that we really appreciate his help. It is truly so beautiful to see that all the love that my mother gave him when he was a child is reflected in how much he loves her and how much he wants to see her well. It is not his obligation to send anything but he is always ready to help us and collaborate in whatever we need and this is something we greatly appreciate. And without a doubt this reminds me of my dear friends @melinda010100, @sunscape @farm-mom @karenb54, who in times when my daily life was so difficult, she helped me even though she was so many miles away. I will always have infinite gratitude for all the people who help us and make us have a better quality of life.


Y para el almuerzo prepare una carne asada, un poco de ocumo sancochado y ensalada de repollo morado y zanahoria es de mis ensaladas favoritas y creo que se ha convertido en la comida que siempre hacemos luego de hacer mercado.And for lunch I prepared a roast beef, some parboiled ocumo, and purple cabbage and carrot salad. It is one of my favorite salads and I think it has become the meal we always make after going to the market.





Luego en la tarde pase un rato jugando con mis sobrinos, cuánto los amo y amo ver lo grande que estan, parece mentira que el tiempo ha pasado tan rápido uno ya casi tiene 5 años y el otro casi 2. Y siento que nacieron hace nada. Una de mis amigas dice que tener un niño en casa es una alegría inmensa y cuánta razón tiene. Hacen nuestros días más felices con sus ocurrencias y su amor.Then in the afternoon I spent some time playing with my nephews, how much I love them and I love seeing how big they are, it seems incredible that time has passed so quickly, one is almost 5 years old and the other is almost 2. And I feel like they were born not long ago. . One of my friends says that having a child at home is an immense joy and how right she is. They make our days happier with their occurrences and their love.




Para la cena tenía muchas ganas de comer empanadas con relleno de pizza, así que cuando fuimos al supermercado compré de está masa que ya viene lista para hacer las empanadas, también compré una salsa para pizzas y prepare el relleno e hice estás empanadas y debo decir que quedaron deliciosas. Este fue mi día y siento que hice de todo un poco.For dinner I really wanted to eat empanadas with pizza filling, so when we went to the supermarket I bought this dough that is already ready to make the empanadas, I also bought a pizza sauce and prepared the filling and made these empanadas and I must say that were delicious. This was my day and I feel like I did a little bit of everything.



Good morning dear friend @denissemata how are you?
What a great day spoiling your mother and playing with your nephews, these simple things in our days are the most important.
You are a blessed person to have so many friends to lend a hand when you need them, people like them are gold.
Thank you very much for sharing this life experience
Have a beautiful Sunday

Happy day friend. All good and you? This is how to spend quality time with the people we love. The truth is that every day I am so grateful for the friends and family I have and all the support they give me.

Los mejores días vienen de aquellas pequeñas acciones que hacemos, cómo por ejemplo ir al mercado con tu mama; creo que se pasaron por un poco nada mas 😅. Lo bueno es que tienen a familiares que los apoya. Saludos

The best days come from those little things we do, like going to the market with your mom; I think they went a little too far 😅. The good thing is that they have family members to support them. Regards

Si nos pasamos un poco del presupuesto principal jajaja

Looks like you both enjoyed that shopping trip. 😀

I am so glad that Hive and your friends here have played a part in making your lives better! Your cousin is very thoughtful! ♥️

I've always said that I'm so happy to be part of Hive. Remember when before I couldn't even buy shampoo

I do remember and I enjoyed being able to easily send you shampoo and items you needed for your baking class through Amazon. Then they went and made sending gifts much harder!

Every time I make cakes I think of you, since most of the time I use the bowls you sent me. Every time a package arrived I cried with joy❤️ and you know I will always appreciate everything you did for me

Those bowls should last a life time! Stupid politics. Maybe someday you can send me a cupcake!

What more would I like in life than to be able to send you something or many of the delicious things I do. Just a few days ago I saw some cakes and thought about your birthday!