in #hive-17826515 days ago

Exams started already and so far so good it has been both stressful and worthwhile, the tension keeps getting lighter by the day with every paper I sit for. I started off on a good note on Tuesday but today was a bit tenser but then God helped me anyways and I did my best awaiting him to do the rest. So far, I’ve been able to learn some few things that moving on will help me to keep giving my best.

Prior to when my exams started, I was asked to see my course advisor to give me advice on what courses I need to register for so I don’t miss out on any especially for the fact that I’m a direct entry student. I tried going to his office a couple of times to see him but most of my efforts proved futile. I didn’t get to meet him and now my exams have started and all I’m relying on is the information I’ve gotten from my fellow colleagues. So this evening, I summoned up the courage to leave a message with him on WhatsApp uninvited.

I had to summon up the courage because my class representative never said if we could message him privately or not so I wasn’t sure if I could. Well, I did and it was so nice how he received me and finally told me what to do. So now, what is required of me is just giving my best for all my exams so I won’t have to sit for them again. The fact that I’m a direct entry student comes with an automatic carry over courses and that is what I’m battling with now but I believe that as long as God is the one ordering my steps I’d make the right choices.

Tomorrow I’d be having two papers, one is a carry over course and the other is not so I’m a bit tense again and just had to write about it and then go and face my books in preparation for tomorrow. It will all be over soon and I’m very confident that everything will turn out well because God is in control. I’m really so grateful to everyone putting me in their prayers and wishing me well, it has been working really well. Please don’t stop praying for me, I still need more of your prayers 🥹🤲.

The images used are mine