What I did within 48 hours

in #hive-178265last year

The rain continues after two days, however, yesterday, I still popped out to go to my regular Tuesday lunch, with a group of friends. My friends are older and wiser so it's always a delight to learn and hold discussions with them.

Two had gammon steak and eggs...

... While I and another from the group had steak and kidney pudding. This was a change from a regular pie, and it was just what I needed to boost my iron and energy levels.


To switch things up, I had a lovely cup of cappuccino instead of my usual Latte after the meal, as I felt for a real treat.

This week our main topic was death; Not the most cheerful subject, but death is the one thing in life that's certain, so we have to discuss it at some point.
What brought on the topic was that one of the members is 90+ and he's lived a good life. He still drives, lives alone and is fully active; Doing his laundry, gardening, and household chores, even though he moves at a slower pace now. He also cooks his specific diabetic-diet meals, and his meal times revolve around the medicines that he takes.

I admire his tenacity in maintaining an independent mindset of taking care of himself, and I think all that is so beautiful, as I care greatly for the elderly and hate to see people being impatient and incompassionate toward them.

That lunch was the highlight of Tuesday.

... and today.

I was feeling a little cooped up today, so to relieve my cabin fever, I went for a train ride to a nearby town. I can only do so long indoors before I go stare crazy, so despite the prolonged bad weather that I'm experiencing, I looked at the weather forecast of 4 neighbouring towns and picked the one that promised warmer temperatures and sunshine.

On a stroll through the woods en route to the train station, I stopped to test my new mobile tripod to see how the remote control works, but I still need to toggle with it some more.

From Newton Abbot Train Station

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To Exeter Central

I ended up at Exeter, which is a larger town than Newton Abbot, with what seems to be a more multicultured and vibrant town with a huge university.

I roamed around for a few hours and had something to eat from a food stall. I intended to take loads of photos but guess what, I just was not in the mood, so this was all I got.

Don't despair though. The train ride from Newton Abbot to Exeter is only a 30-min journey, so I'll return when the weather brightens up, and take many more photos.

I felt better for the trip, and tonight I'm gonna snuggle up and have an early night so that I'll feel fully restored tomorrow.

So long Peeps:)

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All images are mine.


This doofy platform keeps hiding your posts from me. Or maybe I've developed a particular strain of blindness. Who knows.

Anywho. This man in your friend circle is admirable. The resilience and strength is stunning, because I do think those enter into play. Mentality, in particular, seems to impact how you get older. Here's to hoping we all end up as resilient at that age :)

I like how solution-oriented you are, my friend. Feeling cooped up? Don't wallow in it. Move. Simple, and good on you. I hope you're feeling restored ;)

The resilience and strength are stunning, because I do think those enter into play. Mentality, in particular

Absolutely! I think we younger ones overlook just how amazing it is to see the elderly functioning... He's just shy of being twice my age and is still capable of so much, yet on some days my body feels like it gonna fail me, not to mention my brain. It so happened that there was a large group of geriatrics at another table (a special day out for them). It touched me watching them, as the idea that whether I live to their age or not, it could be me one day. It reminded me why it's important to look after myself, as I'll be thankful if I'm blessed with a long life.

I like how solution-oriented you are

Thank you:)))

That's beautiful. I always smile when I see people at that age still going out, treating themselves. I know you already do look after yourself, but I'm glad it reminded you <3

Thank you 😊

Hi @millycf1976,
Thank you for participating in the #teamuk curated tag. We have upvoted your quality content.
For more information visit our discord https://discord.gg/8CVx2Am

Thank you so much @teamuk for your continuous support:)

Hello, @millycf1976 . Good to see you around here. Same with you, I like talking to elderly people because I can learn a lot from them. That's a nice coffee over there. 🤗

Hello there!
Yes, I've been wanting to stop by this community for a while now.😁 Yes, I do learn much from the older folks, some real British stuff that I probably wouldn't necessarily learn from chatting with my husband and his mates. 😆
There's just something very attractive about the look and aroma of a cappuccino.
Thanks for stopping by:)))

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

You have been curated by @thekittygirl on behalf of Inner Blocks: a community encouraging first hand content, and each individual living their best life. Come join the Inner Blocks Community , and check out @innerblocks! #lifehappening

Thank you so much @thekittygirl and the @innerblocks team:)))

Exeter looks a charming place,
I like you need to get out fairly regular or I go nutty being confined indoors

as for the food, at first I would have picked the Gammon steak and egg, I do love that but then I scrolled down and saw the steak and kidney pudding, and quickly changed my mind for a couple of reasons I am still trying to build up my iron levels and secondly I love it and havent found it here

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)

Yes, I was impressed with Exeter and decided that it was best to scout the area and go back another time for photography.

I've had the Gammon steak before and it's awesome.
Not many people eat offals, but I was forced to eat only liver and kidney and drink raw vegetable juices for an entire month, to come out of a vegetable state... Somehow, I never lost the desire to eat them after.

Chicken liver with Sherry or Whiskey is amazing. Maybe you can find the liver easier than the kidneys 🤔🙃

Ohh yeah I do love chicken liver as well I used to often cook it up with some bacon Hmm I havent done that for a while I must do it soon

Oh, wow! You've made dinner plans for me right there. 😋



I like riding on a train too when going to a neighboring town...
It's great to have sweat through walking after being isolated for quite a long period... a nice place there. And the coffee looks enticing ☺️

Yeah, I love train rides, and I particularly like this route because it's a view of the sea all the way on one side and beautiful fields on the opposite side.
Yes, the cappuccino was just what I needed. Now, I'm gonna have my morning cup of black coffee.
Have a lovely day:)))

That cappuccino treat looks divine 😋.

Some of the best conversations I have are with the older and wiser. That’s really incredible about your friend still being able to get around, move around and take care of himself. I see so many people when they reach their 70’s to 80’s lose their ability to think, remember and take care of themselves independently. It seems to be a rare situation when someone of your friends age is able to be self sustaining.

It’s great you were able to take a train and get out and walk in a neighborhood with better weather. Thanks for sharing about it with us ~

I see so many people when they reach their 70s to 80s lose their ability to think, remember and take care of themselves independently

That's very true.
It has a lot to do with the mindset and the core values of people. Sadly, it's something to be considered even with couples. There are many cases where one might be of an independent nature, and love looking after themself, whereas the other can be dependent and "give up" thinking that someone should do things for them. It then becomes burdensome, and the independent person might feel like they are a slave, not out of being mean, but just from additional pressure, which might weaken the independent person.

Thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it:)))

Those are some really great points. I never thought of it in that sense. Thanks for sharing that insight.

Absolutely! I enjoy it every time I stop by ~ 😊

Thanks for your lovely message.
I really appreciate it.
Wishing you a lovely relaxing weekend 🤗

Thanks so much.

I wish the same for you and your weekend as well ~ 😘


Hello dear friend @millycf1976 good day
I'm sorry that the rain persists, it's good that despite it you were able to attend lunch with your friends
Death is not a topic that I like very much, but as you say, at some point you have to talk about it
Kidney pudding feels exquisite, excellent choice, the dishes look delicious
that you enjoy it a lot

Thanks for stopping by. It's still wet and miserable outside, but I've created a warm indoor setting, which has me feeling great today.
I trust all is well there with you 🤗

Hi! At lunchtime around here seeing these food photos made me a little hungry haha. Everything looks delicious. It's great that you were able to share a good time with your colleagues, and I was surprised by that functional 90-year-old person... you can see that he still has a lot of energy! And the photos from the second day look good too, I hope that when your mood is better you can take some other photos :)

Welcome to Daily Blog Community 😃. Thank you for sharing your days here. Greetings and I wish you a good weekend ❤️!

Thanks for the lovely welcome and comment @lauramica.
I hope that you'll get to have a lovely meal for lunch today.😍🤗

I absolutely love sightseeing and having days with bad weather is just sad. Nice to see you enjoying your time in UK.🌴🥞 Waiting to read more from your blog.

The UK has so much to offer, however, the weather is a big deterring factor. I still try to make the most of "summer" because very soon it will be grey and wet with short days.
I appreciate you stopping by:)))

Very nice pictures and I hope the Coffee Date went well. I have just finished my Coffee and now it's a good recharge to start working.
The kidney pudding seemed to me a boiled apple with cinnamon on top and some apple pieces around 🙈

To recover in iron, also beans (and all the legumes) are rich in iron and they become more digestible if cooked with the Wakame algae. Also the green-leaves vegetables (spinach, lettuce and the rest) have a decent quantity of iron

I just finished my morning coffee, and I'm looking out the window and the miserable weather that looks like it's gonna stay for a few more days. I don't mind wrapping up and going for a walk in the woods when it's like this, but I'm fighting something and it's probably not the smartest thing to do when I have a temperature.

The kidney pudding seemed to me like a boiled apple with cinnamon on top and some apple pieces around

Hehe, I've only recently been exposed to the pudding version. I do eat a lot of greens, but I can go severely anaemic, so a little meat helps:)))

Are they really going to eat those peas? 😨… I’m not a fan of peas! 😅

Death is inevitable. While watching an anime, one of the characters said all things with form will eventually perish. And I so agreed with that (even if he was the bad guy). It made total sense. Death is part of the life cycle and we can’t avoid it.

Say. Your friend who is 90+… I want his secret! That is a long time to leave and still taking care of himself. But does he really have no family?

That tripod. Is that a Camera I see on it or am I seeing things? Hehehe

I think peas are a very English thing, something I only eat when I'm here in the UK. Surprisingly, these are very sweet though.
My friend has family and he's had a cleaner in the past, but he's happy on his own. I think it keeps him going. That's one of the reasons why I make an effort to meet up with the group on Tuesdays regardless of how resentful of the weather I might be.
No, my camera was not attached to the tripod in the photo, but there's a remote on the tripod, which is convenient. I thought it was a decent purchase for £7 and a big upgrade from my last one that broke on my recent trip to Leicester:)))

  • I think it keeps him going*

This is something that happens to many of us. There’s always something that keeps us going no matter how insignificant it may seem to others

That's very true, indeed 🤗

The steak and kidney pudding looks really good. Actually both plates look tasty.

A lot of people are uncomfortable talking about death but I've always been fascinated by the topic

Yes, the pudding was awesome.
Death is an important topic, indeed!
Also, it's something that couples in particular need to consider especially if they are from different cultures.

Very true 👍