How am I coping with my Resolutions??
A very necessary question. Hello friends, I hope the heat has been treating us good so far? Well, it's been a month and few days into the year already and as humans that we all are we made quite a number of resolutions and goals we were/are determined to see through as the year progresses. Well, setting goals is one thing, while achieving them is a whole other thing entirely. Well, few weeks ago we were asked about our new year's goal in the hive community and i had quite a lot to say without thinking of how hard it would be for me to follow through, cause trust me few weeks in and I am already relenting which is really poor on my end.
While I'm doing quite poorly with some of my set goals for the year partaining the community, I think I'm doing a little better with a few which I set for my personal growth. Well... I set a goal to really reduce my phone use time and spend a little extra time communicating and interacting with people who are physically present and I'm proud to say I'm achieving that but it really has not been easy. Funny thing is, I set a personal goal to watch my weight this year and work on my physical fitness, but trust me, I couldn't last past two weeks but I am not giving up yet, let me just say I'm only taking a break. I remember saying I was going to be more active with deadlines and interacting with people in the community but I've been doing poorly, I promise to do better(the year is still fresh) but my goal of not plagiarising and using this as a platform to grow is very much in progress.
Coping with my resolutions has really been on the poor side, but fun fact is I find myself doing some interesting things which were not originally in my plans for the year but I could consider them as bonuses. Things like trying to work on my poetic portfolio, which by the way is coming out great and is also helping with fighting idleness and at the same time keeping my brain active. Another bonus goal I'm handling well and which is going great is trying to perfect a survival skill which is driving, and I think even though it's scary, it really is fun.
So here is me hoping and wishing I am able to actually achieve those particular things I set for myself, even though they might seem kind of hard but they most definitely are achievable.
Thanks for reading and have a lovely day ahead. Let love lead.