I had to write on this prompt because I found it interesting and also taking me down memory lane. And I must say that this was kind of hard to settle on one considering the fact that I have had several wonderful Christmas experiences - and dramatic ones you may add. The prompt demands one so I shall give one as well. This theme seems really captivating right from when I came across it.
Designed by me with Canva!
If you had asked me this question some ten to fifteen years ago, I would have gladly taken you on a journey with me through the stories and memories of those several Christmas when what mattered most was chin chin, meat, soft drinks and most especially "happy Christmas". So I find myself thinking of those Christmas where I made a lot of money from the "happy Christmas" hunting I went for. Trust me, I was some good hunter in this respect back then. You can have your rice, chin chin, drinks, but please do not refuse me that twenty naira, ten naira, fifty naira, for that was the main deal - haha.
As I recount on my Christmas experiences, with some reliving me the memory and some gone into obsolete, I find one profound for me. Just so I clarify, it was a bitter sweet Christmas experience but I will like to share it. Maybe not as a favourite experience per say but an unforgettable one.
It was years back, and the sun rose on this Christmas day as usual. Meat was fried, rice was prepared, chin chin fried and drinks were bought and chilled in the freezer. But no, one thing was more important and by the end of the Christmas day through the next days it must be achieved as well. Yeah, I am talking about hunting for "happy Christmas". It was time of the year again when almost every kid was brave enough to request for money that he or she would not dare to in Christmas name, and disobey mommy and daddy's orders about strangers. But who cares? Haha. It was that beautiful day and all I could think of after church service was how my friend and I could make our march to the houses we know and we do not so we can gather happy Christmas money.
That faithful Christmas day afternoon, we set out to this area he knows but I do not. I was kind of wondering who he knew there but why do I care, if I will get my "happy Christmas”? We kept on moving through that street and I discovered the people there staring at us as if we were some foreign breed.
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How I seemed like when the people stared at us
Well, I could care less, maybe they were feeling my Christmas clothes. Unfortunately, and unknowingly, there was a bee hive; yeah you heard me, bee HIVE (see why this post needs to make it to HIVE - haha). As we walked down, I was the unfortunate cool one who was wearing some nice perfume and so they attacked and chased us. Along the way they left my friend yet one kept pursuing me.
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How I was running...not with the smile though
Thinking I had gotten rid of it some meters away, I gently dropped my hands from my ears covered by the hands. Then it happened, that bee stung me! And so that was almost the end of the adventure for me...that day at least. What an experience!
It was not a stupendous Christmas to say but at least it left me with an experience that I look back on and laugh. It left me with a lesson too; be weary of bees whenever you pass by a place and see people unnecessarily staring at you. Haha!