Design and Architecture of Hapi Gyoza Japanese Restaurant

in #hive-1787082 years ago

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Hello everyone
How are you today ? I hope and pray, we are all always given health and also happiness in living this life. We know, in the life we live now there are always difficulties and challenges that we must face. As humans, we must fight and must not give up with all of these things.

I am also very happy, to be given the time and opportunity to share stories about my experiences and impressions of a building or landmark having an interesting design and architectural concept to discuss. One of the topics that I often write about is the design and architecture of cafes, coffee shops or restaurants.

As we all know, eating at cafes or restaurants is one of the common things in modern life. There are various reasons people don't eat at home, such as not having time to cook, wanting to eat with friends or partners, or being considered more practical and hassle-free.

There are various choices of restaurants that we can choose, one of which is a Japanese restaurant. The Japanese restaurant is known by many as a delicious restaurant with a very strong cultural interior. That impression is what I want to share with my friends when I visit Hapi Gyoza.

Hapi Gyoza


Some time ago, I went to meet my prospective hydroponic customer at the Cemara Asri Complex, Medan Estate District. I did a site survey, and talked until just before lunch. Finally, I said goodbye and decided to go to Hapi Gyoza, a local restaurant located in Komplek Cemara Asri, at Boulevard Raya no. 88 – Medan Estate District, Deli Serdang Regency.

The Cemara Asri Complex area is one of the largest business districts in my city. In this area, there are culinary places, offices and banking. People often say this area is a city within a city. Hapi Gyoza is in the culinary area of the beautiful cypress complex and you won't have a hard time finding this place.

All the shop buildings in the Cemara Asri Complex use simple and narrow three-story shophouses. However, this Hapi Gyoza Japanese Restaurant can give a different impression when we come to this place. One of the attractions of a Japanese restaurant, is the ability to combine modern and traditional elements of Japanese culture for the design and architecture of the building.


From the front, we can already see how beautiful and aesthetic the front of this restaurant is. Hapi Gyoza made and designed the front in a very strong Japanese style, we can see from the wooden ornaments used for decoration of the front. At the top, we can see the Hapi Gyoza logo combined with a brown wooden board.


Apart from that, the window and door designs from Hapi Gyoza really caught my attention. These windows and doors use a rectangular design with a semicircular corner effect. This window and door design style gives a minimalist impression, moreover, the chosen paint color is also a cream color which fits perfectly with the minimalist building design concept.

Interior Hapi Gyoza
I also entered into this restaurant. I've never been to Japan, but I really like watching YouTube videos about activities or activities in Japanese restaurants. One characteristic of a Japanese restaurant is the position of the kitchen which is at the front of the building.



In this narrow and elongated shop building, we will find a kitchen room in the form of a room when we enter this restaurant. The remaining space between the kitchen and the wall is only about one meter, and it seems to form a hallway or alley that looks minimalist, beautiful and aesthetic.

The kitchen area from Hapi Gyoza also looks very beautiful and attractive. We can see the arrangement of hiragana letters on display and combined with the capsule lanterns a la ramen restaurant. This combination of decorations gives us the impression and vibes like we are in Japan.


On the front wall, right beside the kitchen room, it is decorated using neatly and geometrically arranged wooden partitions. The wooden partition on this wall gives a natural or back to nature impression. The natural concept and approach to natural elements is an important part and also the hallmark of a Japanese restaurant.

We can also see natural or natural elements from the furniture used by Hapi Gyoza. Hapi Gyoza uses tables and chairs made of high quality wood with full varnish, thus maintaining the natural wood color for the chairs and tables. I like to see the selected furniture, simple and minimalist.



This Japanese restaurant only uses the ground floor, and to beautify the roof of this restaurant. Hapi Gyoza also uses partition wood elements for the roof ceiling. Apart from the wood, interior hanging lanterns are also used as decorations to beautify the ceiling of this room. As a Japanese restaurant from Indonesia, I feel that Hapi Gyoza has done everything with excellent design and architecture totality.

One thing I can suggest to beautify the interior decoration of this Japanese restaurant. I feel, the floor part of this restaurant is too ordinary and not special. For the floor so that it can be made more beautiful and minimalist, Hapi Gyoza can use vinyl with wood motifs or Japanese tatami motifs so that it further strengthens the impression of its Japanese style.

Toilet Interior


To close this post, I feel that the toilet part of Hapi Gyoza is also interesting to discuss. As a restaurant that is not too big and luxurious, I really salute it when I see the toilet section of Hapi Gyoza. I think, the toilet section will not get a touch of design and interior. Apparently, the toilet is designed to be very comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. We can also see traditional Japanese ornaments on display and arranged here.


I am very happy to be able to visit and stop at this Hapi Gyoza. I always like coming to Japanese restaurants because they can always combine culture and culture in every architecture.

About Author

Call me Isdarmady, because I have a full name that is very long, namely Isdarmady Syahputra Ritonga. I am a head of the family who work as Farmers Vegetables Hydroponic and Consultant Hydroponics, sometimes I also sell coffee from various regions in Indonesia.
I have expertise dispensing coffee with a variety of techniques and tools brewing, because I have the desire to make a coffee shop with hydroponics as centerpieces. Help me realize that dream.

Thanks for read, vote, re-blog and support me in Hive. Maybe god will reward the kindness, let’s success together.


I love the ambience and decor at Hapi Gyoza. I especially like the lanterns. Sorry to ask but, did you feel happy while you were there? Lol!
Also, do they actually serve gyoza? How was the food there?
😃Thank you for sharing.

Hello @fruityfruitz thank you for stopping by
I am very happy to come to this outlet. Moreover, one other thing is that the food is also very delicious. I want to write it in a special report at a later time.

It’s good that you had a lovely experience there. Thank you for sharing it with us. Have a wonderful weekend. 😃

Congratulations @isdarmady! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected to be part of our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded RUNNER-UP in Architecture Anthology™ 17. More power!


Thank you for subscribing to Architecture+Design, an OCD incubated community on the Hive Blockchain.

thank you for appreciate @aplusd
Glad to be part of this community and to participate again inin Architecture Anthology™

We are honored to have you dear @isdarmady in our beloved community. Continue publishing fantastic publications! 😀

Hello @isdarmady. Japanese architecture never ceases to amaze us! Personally, I think their design philosophy dwells not only in the physical aspects of their distinctive minimalistic approach to details but also in the spiritual significance of the entire project. There's always a sense of "Zen" or peace that's discovered whenever you're in the presence of their creations. And surely, your featured Japanese restaurant is tremendous proof! Even ordinary spaces like their toilets have become extra special to the human experience. Amazing! 😊

Hello @storiesoferne Thank you for your attention, and I'm very happy that you stopped by my blog again.
You're absolutely right, every time you see a Japanese-style structure, even if it's just a Japanese restaurant. I always see it as a different object, there is an aura that is difficult for us to explain to bring us back to that place. I myself dream of being able to see first hand how Japan is, I hope it can come true.

I really liked this restaurant, I would definitely visit it, I know this is an architecture and design community, but I wanted to know how the food was hahaha I hope it was just as good as the aesthetics of the restaurant 🙌🙌 Thanks for sharing

hello @lunaticanto thank you for stopping by
The food in this restaurant is very delicious, this Japanese restaurant sells a very delicious "Gyoza" signature menu. One day, I will discuss the delicacy of food here.

Hello @isdarmady, I also think that the toilet of Hapi Gyoza is also interesting which is clean and comfty and it has the great styles, your suggestion for how to improve the interior decoration of the Japanese restaurant. Vinyl with wood or Japanese tatami motifs can certainly add to the overall aesthetic and enhance the restaurant's Japanese style. It's important to consider the practicality and durability of the flooring material as well, to ensure it can withstand the wear and tear of a restaurant environment. Overall, I think your suggestion is a great way to make the restaurant's interior more beautiful and visually appealing.

Hello @ahleap thank you for stopping by
Yup, that's right. For durability and safety, I think the ceramic floor is still better than tatami. But, I feel that if I want to be more total, it will be better.

I feel the interior of this Japanese restaurant is his best attraction.