(ESP/ENG) Visiting a 2018 Oscar-winning movie church in Santiago de chile- Visitando una iglesia de película ganadora del Oscar 2018 en Santiago de chile

in #hive-1787082 years ago

Hola amigos de hive estoy de regreso con un nuevo post en esta hermosa comunidad donde se puede compartir arquitectura moderna y antigua de todo el mundo, y la verdad es fascinante, menciono nuevamente que siempre me ha gustado admirar el arte que está más allá de un edificio con una historia antigua o con una historia por contar, por lo que me encanta visitar lugares nuevos y saber un poco de su historia para poder conectarme mas, hay lugares que sorprenden y aunque pasas a diario por allí siempre lo ves como la primera ves, y hoy le traigo uno de esos lugares, recién hace unos meses me mude al centro de Santiago de chile donde hay mucha arquitectura que admirar, esta ves esta muy cerca de donde resido actualmente y es un lugar que trae historia llamada la Iglesia de los Sacramentinos, ubicada en Santiago de chile.

La Iglesia de los Sacramentinos, es un iglesia católica localizado las calles Arturo Prat y Santa Isabel, cercano a parque Almagro en el centro de la ciudad de Santiago de Chile, según en su reseña fue construida por el arquitecto Ricardo Larraín Bravo, en los años 1934 fue el arquitecto Alejandro de la Noi Mattamala quien pudo dar finalización a la construcción, y fue declarada monumento histórico en los años 1991.

Hello friends of hive I am back with a new post in this beautiful community where you can share modern and ancient architecture from around the world, and the truth is fascinating, I mention again that I have always liked to admire the art that is beyond a building with an ancient history or with a story to tell, so I love to visit new places and know a little of its history to connect more, there are places that surprise and although you pass by there every day you always see it like the first time, and today I bring you one of those places, just a few months ago I moved to downtown Santiago de chile where there is a lot of architecture to admire, this time is very close to where I currently reside and is a place that brings history called the Church of the Sacramentinos, located in Santiago de chile. *

The Church of the Sacramentinos, is a catholic church located in Arturo Prat and Santa Isabel streets, near Almagro park in the center of the city of Santiago de Chile, according to its review was built by the architect Ricardo Larraín Bravo, in the years 1934 was the architect Alejandro de la Noi Mattamala who could give completion to the construction, and was declared a historical monument in the years 1991.



El estilo de la basílica es neorrománico y su estructura esta conformada por hormigón armado con una cripta subterránea de 1.500 m² aproximadamente, además consta con una grande cúpula.

El interior de la basílica lamentablemente no pudo ser visitada ya que esta actualmente en reparaciones y la verdad que algunas veces la he visto abierta por la escalera de emergencia pero en ocasiones y horarios especiales que lamentablemente no se me acomodan a mis horarios de trabajo pero que en cuanto encuentre la oportunidad de seguro les traeré las fotos y mis impresiones de este misterioso lugar.

The style of the basilica is neo-Romanesque and its structure is made of reinforced concrete with a subway crypt of approximately 1,500 m², also has a large dome.

The interior of the basilica unfortunately could not be visited as it is currently under repair and the truth is that sometimes I have seen it open by the emergency staircase but on special occasions and times that unfortunately do not fit my work schedule but as soon as I find the opportunity I will surely bring you the photos and my impressions of this mysterious place.



Cerca de la iglesia hay dos parques uno que tiene una hermosa fuente por la calle santa Isabel donde los turistas siempre se toman fotografías y comparten con familiares, amigos y mascotas.

También esta cercano al parque Almagro , un parque muy céntrico en la ciudad de Santiago donde esta hermosa basilical la podemos ver de fondo con su elegancia siempre en fotos y postales de este parque.

Mis impresiones siempre que paso cerca de ella es un aire de misterio y gótico, es como humedad y sientes como escalofríos, algunos residentes me cuentan que aparecen fantasmas de noches y se escuchan pasos, le tienen miedo a entrar por esos cuentos que siempre comentan en las calles, pero yo estoy ansiosa de conocer su interior y ver lo enigmático que puede ser.

Near the church there are two parks, one with a beautiful fountain on Santa Isabel street where tourists always take pictures and share with family, friends and pets.

It is also close to Almagro Park, a very central park in the city of Santiago where this beautiful basilica can be seen in the background with its elegance always in photos and postcards of this park.

My impressions whenever I pass near it is an air of mystery and gothic, it is like humidity and you feel like chills, some residents tell me that ghosts appear at night and footsteps are heard, they are afraid to enter for those stories that always comment in the streets, but I am anxious to know inside and see how enigmatic it can be.







Dato curioso:

La fachada de la iglesia es famosa en la pantalla grande y de series muy populares como la serie televisiva Flash, también fue protagonista en la portada de la novela Código Chile de Carlos Basso y en la famosa película chilena “Una Mujer Fantástica”, la cual fue ganadora del Oscar en los años 2018.

Fun fact:

The facade of the church is famous on the big screen and very popular series such as the TV series Flash, it was also featured on the cover of the novel Código Chile by Carlos Basso and in the famous Chilean film "Una Mujer Fantástica", which was an Oscar winner in the years 2018.




Pude realizar tomas desde la azotea del edificio donde resido actualmente, un día lluvioso de invierno donde resalta la basílica con su estilo en medio de la ciudad.

I was able to shoot from the rooftop of the building where I currently live, a rainy winter day where the basilica stands out with its style in the middle of the city.


Fuente de la historia
Espero disfruten las fotos las cuales fueron tomadas por mí con mi teléfono xiaomi redmi note 9, firmas de mi blog editadas y realizada en animarker, traductor de idiomas mediante la herramienta Deepl logo traductor, No dejen de seguir mi blog @osita21 , me gusta mucho viajar, la comedia y los juegos online, un abrazo hasta la próxima.

Story source

I hope you enjoy the photos which were taken by me with my phone xiaomi redmi note 9, signatures of my blog edited and made in animarker, use with language translator tool Deepl logo translator, do not stop following my blog @osita21, I love to travel, comedy and online games, a hug until next time.



Congratulations @osita21! We're delighted to specially curate your awesome publication and award it RUNNER-UP in Architecture Brew #76. More power!


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thank you very much

An impressive piece of ancient architecture that stands in the city of Santiago de Chile, impressive all the elements of the facades of the temple hopefully one day you can enter and show it inside. I congratulate you for the photographic record, it is excellent. Greetings and blessings!

I am looking forward to having the opportunity to enter as soon as they finish the repairs that are being made to the building so I can show you a photographic record of the interior of the temple, thank you very much.

si estoy esperando tener la oportunidad de entrar en cuanto terminen los arreglos que están realizando a la edificación y así poder mostrarles un registro fotográfico del interior del templo, muchas gracias.

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Wow, what a celebrated church dear @osita21. Its frequent exposure in famous movies has definitely catapulted its popularity to global fame. Hence, it's certainly a great privilege for our beloved architecture community to witness this iconic piece of sacred architecture. 😊

I'm curious. Why are there stories about ghosts in their neighborhood? Were there tragic events that occurred in the past?

hello, thank you very much for your visit to my blog, some neighbors say it is haunted and lost spirits come out at night inside the church, but no particular story, I think it is myths of the community because if the church gives a rather mystical and mysterious feeling.

hola, muchas gracias por su visita a mi blog, algunos vecinos dicen que esta embrujada y salen espíritus perdidos en las noches dentro de la iglesia, pero ninguna historia en particular, yo pienso que es mitos de la comunidad por que si la iglesia da una sensación bastante mística y misteriosa.

Amazing! Those haunted conversations certainly had a tremendous influence on that neighborhood, most especially on the architectural experiences of that famous church - eerie, enigmatic yet absolutely gorgeous! 😊

Very good visual document and with quite interesting written references. That first photo has a certain degree of exquisiteness, very appreciable from a photographic point of view... The angle of capture, the diversity of the elements in the photographic plane and that overlapping anarchy that they build, formed an excellent image... That's "photographic instinct", congratulations... Good work, thanks for sharing it!

Muy buen documento visual y con referencias escritas bastante interesantes. Esa primera foto tiene cierto grado de exquisitez muy apreciable desde el punto de vista fotográfico por cierto... El ángulo de captura, la diversidad de los elementos en el plano fotográfico y esa solapada anarquía que estos construyen, formaron una imagen excelente... Eso es "instinto fotográfico", felicitaciones... Buen trabajo, gracias por compartirlo!

hello thank you very much for your visit to my blog, yes I have always loved photography and although unfortunately I don't have a proper camera, I always do what I can and I have a lot of fun taking pictures, I'm glad you liked it.

hello thank you very much for your visit to my blog, yes I have always loved photography and although unfortunately I don't have a proper camera, I always do what I can and I have a lot of fun taking pictures, I'm glad you liked it.

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