my walk with Zelda, or enjoying discrete architectural elements of St.Petersburg, Russia

in #hive-1787082 years ago


Greetings, my friends! Today's story would be brief, I've brought no solid intresting narrative, just some visuals.


Lattice on the embankment of the Neva. It closes a tiny corner, barely two square meters. Interestingly, there is no practical need for this lattice... it was made for its own sake, just for the very possibility of decorating an extra meter of space with a beautiful texture.


All rusted... in a beautiful way?

(The city has a lot of beautiful historical lattices, all of them are unique... probably I will have to compose a separate post for this subject - making a note to myself... I just didn’t photograph them enough, and don’t have much to base the story on yet).

So... Last Tuesday (when Zelda hurricane visited St.Petersburg) I had duties in my office, but tried to round up everything as early as possible - I had some plans for the evening. I arrived to this location by foot, and having no umbrella, protected by the coat only. I wasn't in a hurry, didn't try to get away from the rain (maybe that's why I didn't get hit by it) - I had an appointment with my friend @x-rain, but not for a joint photo-walk (as always), this time we had another task, let it remain outside the scope of the post.

But I had my camera with me, and while awaiting for him at the meeting point, I had nothing to do, but unholster my camera and have 15 minutes of fun - a mini-quest for beauty and anything that will catch my eye. The photo below actually was the first capture I made on that day.


This is a very beautiful building at Gagarinskaya Street, 3. It was clearly inspired by the works of Italian masters, and contains a lot of antique motifs that are nice to catch a look at. I especially like the unusual "canopies" over the entrances, and bars on the windows of the basement. They don't do it like that today anymore ...

And look what I found when I approached to a closer distance. I even forgot about my intention to make some close-ups! I found a pool...


Gigantic pool. The folks passing by could not but stop and look at it (exactly like me!) which turned half of the Gagarinskaya street into a mirror. They stopped for a while, amused, and observed it -- but they were not equipped with a wide-angle lens camera, like me.


This is the most vivid illustration to the fact that the city just acquainted with the Zelda, a little non fatal consequences on the streets (and more on a city habitants dress).


This is another lattice leading to the inner courtyard, which I could not pass by indifferently. Or maybe its remains, depending on how do you look at it. No, it's not a hurricane breakdown - it's the normal condition... a seal of its lifetime, if you let me say so.


The smart front view of the streets... don't be deceived - just take a step to the side, inside, and you will see the seal of time, cracked walls and forever lost elements. On the one hand, this is bad, but on the other hand, this is why they are loved - because they have a time stamp on them, they are real, and not a Chinese plastic fake, which was brought and installed only yesterday. (Excuse me this excessive pathos).


The entrance to the residential building is tightly packed and sealed with posters of pop concerts ... I don’t know why - perhaps the building had too many entrances, in someone's opinion? .. Typical street view in not the most fashionable historical part of the city... shabby but impressive!

It was at the very moment when I took this photo that @x-rain appeared, and we departed on our business, to continue this wonderful day. Besides that, my camera became capricious and refused to take more photos, under the pretext that the space on the flash drive had run out (a blatant deception, as it turned out later). Anyway, this turned out to be my last photo from the day. (Sadly). So, let me round off my story here. Thanks for walking with me, see you next time.

location: St.Petersburg, Russia July 2022 natural light
camera/lens: Canon 5D 16-35mm raw-conv


All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
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Está genial tu post me gustó. Espero ver otro dónde se vea más la ciudad en alguna otra ocasión, Gracias

ha! even Google desperate to translate this, but seems like a compliment - thank you anyway! 😉

Dear @quinteroblack, kindly add the English language translation to your comment for the reading convenience of our international Hive audience. Thank you for your consideration.

Старое, разваленное, но красивое!!!!!
Жаль что такую красоту не ремонтируют...

Old, rundown, but beautiful!!!!!
Too bad they don't fix this beauty...

Ну как сказать... не соглашусь. Когда "реставрируют" - получается обычно 99 или 100% "новодел", что хуже. по мне лучше уж такое, но старое и оригинальное, чем похожее и новое, сверкающее, без пыли и грязи... встретил недавно подходящую цитату у Бродскогож. Найду - напишу спецом.

I rather disagree. When historical buildings are being "restored" - it often turns out a 95 or even 100% "remake", which in my opinion is much worse. For me, old and original is better than similar and newly-made, "shiny" and without a dust and dirty spot ... I recently came across a brilliant quote from I.Brodsky exactly about this. I have to find and translate it into English.... it may be not easy.

Прочитав твой ответ, подумав, представив - в итоге согласна с тобой, ты прав!

After reading your answer, thinking, imagining - in the end I agree with you, you are right!

Dear @ludmila.kyriakou and @qwerrie, kindly add the English language translations to your comments and replies for the reading convenience of our international Hive audience. Thank you for your consideration.

Este edificio se ve muy bonito a pesar de que es bastante antiguo.

Dear @dayat92, kindly add the English language translations to your comments and replies for the reading convenience of our international Hive audience. Thank you for your consideration.

I often play machine translation, so I forgot to translate to English
Thank you for reminding me

A beautiful city full of history, because it can be seen from its buildings that are tens or even hundreds of years old. In our country there is no city like this. @qwerrie 😁

Great time @qwerrie wow 🤩

Meeting with a good friend, always is! 🙏

Thank you very much @qwerrie

Тоже с Зелдой гулял? ууу, как она... полгорода разрушила за один раз. :)

Hi @apnigrich, kindly add the English language translations to your comments and replies for the reading convenience of our international Hive audience. Thank you for your consideration.

Не, не разрушила, только подмочила - не беспокойся, на случай если ты планируешь визит, к твоему приезду всё высохнет, я гарантирую это!

No, it didn't destroy it, just wet it : ) don't worry, in case you are planning a visit, everything will be dry by your arrival, I guarantee it!



Добрый день, если интересно подпишитесь на новое сообщество на хаве, и если есть возможность помогите её развивать :

The building at Gagarinskaya Street reminds me of some buildings in the city I live now. I see many lion faces on the top of the windows? Is it correct? Sorry I couldn't see it clearly enough with my tiny screen.

This is what is so amazing about your part of the world ... The historic architecture. Just stunning. The wide angle lens really helps capture it too.

Such an interesting post @qwerrie 😎 looks like a cool area to explore a bit more.
Thanks for sharing with us 👋🏻☀️


yes. my city is an intresting place to explore, quite comparable to Paris

and note, it is tourist-friendly, and we have !PIZZA here. 🤓

Yes, why not @qwerrie… maybe because I don’t know it 😉🤓 hehehe 🤭

That’s is pretty cool. Tourist friendly… wow that is great to hear.
I see… thank you kindly for the delicious slice of 🍕🍕🍕
Have a good day!

Yes, tourist friendly! in more ways then Moscow!
(tho I admit - Moscow has much more intresting historic Underground stations... but thats another deal)
ok, I am off to sleep. My last comment for today went to you 😜 Cheerio!

That’s nice @qwerrie your last comment… good night, sleep well.
I’m off to bed too in a few moments. 🥱🥱😴😴😴

Interesting, will remember that.

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