The cornice, a decorative element of old houses / El cornisamento, un elemento decorativo de las casas viejas

in #hive-1787084 months ago

As a fan of architecture, I'm always looking at details of the buildings, and for some time I was struck by something that some old houses here in Venezuela have on their facades, especially those built in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Como fan de la arquitectura, siempre ando mirando detalles de las edificaciones, y desde hace un tiempo me llamó la atención algo que tienen en sus fachadas algunas casas viejas aquí en Venezuela, sobre todo las construidas a finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX.


It is about these decorative pieces that crown the houses, when I did a little research, I learned that they are called cornice. Seeing them around, I said to myself, they are like a topknot, and each building shows a different one.

Se trata de estas piezas decorativas que coronan las casas, al investigar un poco, supe que se llaman cornisamento. Al verlas por ahí, me dije, son como un copete, y cada edificación muestra uno diferente.



These moldings became popular in the country between 1890 and 1920, according to a document published by the Faculty of Architecture of the Central University of Venezuela (UCV). They came to replace the eaves of traditional colonial houses, and I suppose that at that time they gave a more modern look to towns and cities.

Estas molduras se volvieron populares en el país entre los años 1890 y 1920, según leí en un documento publicado por la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV). Llegaron para sustituir los aleros de las casas coloniales tradicionales, y supongo que en aquella época le dieron un aire más moderno a los pueblos y ciudades.



Placed as the upper finish of the facades, the cornices are precast concrete pieces, and their designs, as you can see in the photos, are very varied. Some have been retouched with bright colors and others remain original, raw.

Colocado como remate superior de las fachadas, el cornisamento son piezas de cemento pre-moldeado, y sus diseños, como pueden ver en las fotos, son muy variados. Algunos han sido retocados con colores vivos y otros permanecen originales, en bruto.



What I found most were figures inspired by the plant world, especially flowers, but there are also other designs we could say abstract. I would have loved to get more information about the manufacture of these pieces, surely the producers had catalogs with the different figures available to order.

Lo que más encontré fueron figuras inspiradas en el mundo vegetal, sobre todo flores, pero también hay otros diseños podríamos decir abstractos. Me hubiese encantado conseguir más información sobre la fabricación de estas piezas, seguro los productores tenían catálogos con las diferentes figuras disponibles para encargar.


Where I toured, there are not many houses with these decorative elements, and those that still have them are mostly not in good condition.

Donde hice el recorrido, no quedan muchas casas con estos elementos decorativos, y las que aún los conservan en su mayoría no están en buen estado.



While photographing the cornice of the old houses, I saw how bad renovations on the one hand, and neglect or abandonment on the other, have displaced these beautiful prefabricated figures that give character and uniqueness to each facade.

Mientras fotografiaba el cornisamento de las casas viejas, vi cómo las malas reformas por un lado, y el descuido o abandono por el otro, han desplazado a estas bonitas figuras prefabricadas que le otorgan carácter y singularidad a cada fachada.



Undoubtedly the concrete with which they are made is a super resistant material, of some houses only the facade and these decorative pieces are left standing, although not always complete.

Sin duda el hormigón con el que están hechas es un material súper resistente, de algunas casas sólo queda en pie la fachada y estas piezas decorativas, aunque no siempre completas.




I don't know if there are factories in the country today that produce these pieces, or people in an artisanal way, because it must not be easy to restore these antiques.

Desconozco si hoy en día hay fábricas en el país que produzcan estas piezas, o personas de forma artesanal, porque no debe ser fácil restaurar estas antigüedades.



Another important issue that in Venezuela is neglected a lot is maintenance, almost all these houses are private property, but most of them are in a historic area, so the owners should try to keep them in good condition, even some are heritage, however the regulations and laws are not always met.

Otro tema importante y que en Venezuela se descuida mucho es el mantenimiento, casi todas estas casas son propiedad privada, pero gran parte de ellas están en un casco histórico, por lo que los dueños deben tratar de tenerlas en buen estado, incluso algunas son patrimoniales, sin embargo las normativas y leyes no siempre son cumplidas.


And it's a pity, because nowadays you don't see this kind of details in new constructions, most of the facades are simple, boring, creative architecture is not so common, and I don't think it is an economic issue, because with imagination you can use materials that are not expensive and even take advantage of recycling.

Y es una lástima, porque hoy en día no se ven este tipo de detalles en las nuevas construcciones, la mayoría de las fachadas son sencillas, aburridas, la arquitectura creativa no es tan común, y no creo que sea una cuestión económica, porque con imaginación se pueden utilizar materiales que no son caros e incluso aprovechar el reciclaje.



Well, here ends this tour, I wanted to immortalize these cornices in case they disappear soon, what do you think? I hope you found this decorative art interesting, see you next time!

Bueno, aquí finaliza este paseo, quise inmortalizar estos cornisamentos por si desaparecen pronto, ¿qué les han parecido? Espero hayan encontrado interesante este arte decorativo, ¡hasta la próxima!


All photos are my property and were taken with my Redmi 9 phone in the city of La Victoria, Venezuela / Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad y fueron hechas con mi teléfono Redmi 9 en la ciudad de La Victoria, Venezuela



$PIZZA slices delivered:
@jlinaresp(9/10) tipped @sofathana

I am a fan of cornices and all those decorative details they usually have, there are few left, so I value them more.

Yes, they are a beauty! It's nice to see different things on houses and buildings, and these days the cornices are just that, as they are apparently no longer put up. Thanks for stopping by! 😉

I have always loved old houses because I think they have a unique image, very distinctive and, to me, very beautiful. Precisely the cornice is one of the aspects that catches my attention the most when I go through the historic center of my city. I had no idea that was its name, but you learn something new every day.

Your post is very interesting ✨

Siempre me han encantado las casas viejas porque me parece que tienen una imagen singular, muy distintiva y para mí muy bonita. Justamente el cornisamento es uno de los aspectos que más me llama la atención cuando voy por el centro histórico de mi ciudad.

No tenía idea de que ese era su nombre, pero todos los días se aprende algo nuevo. Muy interesante tu post ✨

I didn't know what it was called either until I decided to take the photos and then did some research, glad you liked it! And yes, old houses are much more interesting, thanks for stopping by and leaving me your impressions! Cheers 😊

Yo tampoco sabía cómo se llamaba hasta que decidí hacer las fotos y luego me puse a investigar, ¡me alegra que te haya gustado! Y sí, las casas viejas son mucho más interesantes, ¡gracias por pasar y dejarme tus impresiones! Saludos 😊

Viajé con el recorrido, puede ser cualquier pueblo de Venezuela! Recuerdo algunas casas en Catia y creo que en San Agustín con algunas de esas decoraciones, no habia hecho conciencia de lo singulares que son. Me encanto tu post! Saludos! 👨🏾‍🚀

I traveled with the tour, it could be any town in Venezuela! I remember some houses in Catia and I think in San Agustín with some of those decorations, I hadn't realized how unique they are. I loved your post! Greetings!

Thank you very much @astrolabio! Hey, it would be nice if you photographed those areas, in San Agustin there is very interesting architecture, well, in Caracas in general 😉.

¡Muchísimas gracias @astrolabio! Oye, sería bueno que fotografiaras esas zonas, en San Agustín hay arquitectura muy interesante, bueno, en Caracas en general 😉

That's a great idea, thanks for the suggestion, I'm totally on board!😉


Hola @sofathana, estoy encantada con tu publicación. Este es un elemento tan bonito que identifica un época.

En algún momento daré un recorrido en mi ciudad con toda la intención de captar esas bellezas y ojala tenga suerte de encontrarme con algunas y ten por seguro que te voy a etiquetar para mostrártelas. 🥰

Gracias por hacer que seamos observadores de nuestro entorno jejeje. Un abrazo.

Hello @sofathana, I am delighted with your post. This is such a beautiful element that identifies an era.

At some point I will take a tour of my city with every intention of capturing those beauties and I hope I am lucky to find some of them and rest assured that I will tag you to show them to you. 🥰

Thank you for making us observant of our surroundings hehehe. A hug.

Wow that would be great if you do! You sure get some, I'll love to see that post 😃. Thanks so much for appreciating @jessiencasa!

Wow, ¡eso sería genial si lo haces! Seguro que consigues algunos, me encantará ver ese post 😃. ¡Muchas gracias por apreciar @jessiencasa!

Es una lastima que la mayoría esté en malas condiciones 😕, le dan un toque diferente a las casas.

It's a shame that most of them are in poor condition 😕, they give a different touch to the houses.

Unfortunately many people don't care, there is no love...

Lamentablemente mucha gente no cuida, no hay amor...



Dear @sofathana @mandysmoon @astrolabio @jessiencasa @gatubela. Please be reminded that as part of our community rules, we highly encourage authors to always add/provide the English language translations to their comments/replies that use other languages for the reading convenience of our international Hive audience. Thank you for your cooperation.

Sorry, I have already added the translation of the reply to the comment 🙂

Sorry! I added the translation in English :)


Thanks for the observation. 😊

Hi Sofiá, nice to see you in this community.

These decorative details are very nice, they must have been very difficult to make.

You are very observant, I would not have thought of doing a post on this topic and it is well worth giving it importance and context in the architecture of our country.

Hola Sofiá, que gusto verte en esta comunidad.

Estos detalles decorativos son muy lindos, debieron ser muy dificiles de hacer.

Eres muy observadora, a mi no se me hubiese ocurrido hacer un post sobre este tema y bien vale vale la pena darle importancia y contexto en la arquitectura de nuestro país.

I love this community, but I have posted little here, I'll get active hehehe.

I'm sure you have several houses with cornice nearby, it would be great to see them 😃, thanks for leaving me your impressions! A hug 😉

Me encanta esta comunidad, pero he publicado poco por aquí, me activaré jejeje.

Seguro tienes cerca varias casas con cornisamento, sería genial verlas 😃 ¡gracias por dejarme tus impresiones! Un abrazo 😉

Hello @sofathana, what beautiful decorations, it is a little difficult to imagine how they managed to do these works that reflect the attention to detail, they also used resistant materials that last over time, I loved the photos.

Have a nice weekend!

They are very attractive decorative elements, in my opinion, maybe somewhere out there there are still some molds with which they used to make them... I'm glad you liked them 😃, thank you very much for appreciating!

Very interesting if we think about all the times we have seen these decorative elements without paying much attention to them. I had no idea what they were called and I liked it. You illustrated and explained a bit of their history very well, it is something that is great to document. Despite the time and carelessness you got quite a few examples to photograph.

It is true that nowadays architecture tends to be more minimalist and conservative, which is something I like, and it defines this era, but it doesn't take away the charm of these colonial ornaments and it doesn't take away that there could be an interesting mix of both.

I'm glad you found it interesting! I also like minimalism, modernist architecture like Niemayer's for example, but I equally enjoy the old and its details, thank you very much for leaving me your impressions! 😊

Wow!... A beautiful post of cornice photos!.... I loved looking at this @sofathana friend!...

!discovery 40

Thank you so much @jlinaresp friend!
I'm sure that in Montalbán there must be several houses with cornice, I would love to see them! 😃

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Thanks so much for your support! 😊

The truth is that I had never noticed these details, but now that I remember, I do remember having seen them in some houses in the colonial area of my state and I agree with you that they give a lot of character to the house where they are placed.

On the other hand, I think that currently this would not be used because both architecture and design in general, have taken a more minimalist path, is my perception, however I think there are things that should be rescued.

I'm sure you have some around, I think there must not be many left but they are all over the country. And it is as you say, in today's architecture decorative elements are not usually used, thank you very much for stopping by and commenting! Greetings 😊

Congratulations dear @sofathana! We are delighted to inform you that your outstanding publication was specially selected as an exclusive feature for our Curated Content Catalog and was awarded RUNNER UP in Architecture Anthology™ 78. More power!


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😃👏🏻 Thank you so much!

You are most welcome dear @sofathana. Keep up the amazing A+D posts! 😀

You're right about newly built places are built to be too minimalistic and boring. I find more appreciation in older buildings just like the ones you wrote about. These days, I am working on renovating my house but also trying to keep the old style while integrating modern aspects to it. It's unfortunate it was abandoned because if maintained properly, it would look really awesome.

Wow, it must be very exciting to renovate the house! Put your personal touch. I hope that even though the neglect affected it, you manage to make it look like you dream!

Thanks for stopping by! 😊