It is a rare feat Shadow Hunters Community for me to take a 'good' photo of the flighty nervous doves living in my garden. They have the best inbuilt human is dangerously getting too close radar system. The danger, danger warning bell must be super sensitive.
After one of my early morning attempts to get a 'good' dove photo trips into garden with my iPhone I got a little excited. Over my morning cup of Earl Grey tea I was looking at what I deemed a 'good' dove photo, there in front of my eyes I saw a 'brave' dove landing on the edge of the bird bath and could only think it was too thirsty to wait until I went inside.
I had to laugh at the shy reticent we have to wait until Angie goes inside doves sitting on the neighbour's shed and my shed. I bet they were thinking how silly and reckless were their 2 mates coming in for food and water with a human standing under the clothesline.
Regards to my fellow shadow hunters, I am always amazed at the very creative photos I see in this contest. Regards and gratitude to the hard working workers in the Shadow Hunters Community for the opportunity to be a shadow hunter and post fun photos of shadows.