It was raining last night. I wasn't aware of that because my sleep was deep, so the large puddle in the front yard was quite a surprise.
Around 9 AM, when I was ready to go buy some groceries, one of my cats came to the puddle, giving me the opportunity to create this post.
The pudlle was a great and pretty large reflective surface and Farabuto, that's the name of the cat, was providing a changing, moving reflection.
Farabuto likes the water very much. I mean, he probably doesn't like any kind of deep water, but he really enjoys rambling and playing in shallow puddles like this one. In this photograph, Farabuto is collecting the water with his paw, while in the following GIF ...
... he is drinking, or more precisely licking that water.
Here I rotated the pictures to put the emphasis on the reflections. I will probably choose one of these two photographs to be the contest entry.
In this set of four consecutive shots, Farabuto is again collecting and drinking the water using his versatile paw.
In this enlargeable photograph, Farabuto has caught a leaf fallen from the Celtis australis tree that grows near the gate of my yard.
Here the cat is doing the same but the focus is on the reflection.
Here you can take a look at the enlargeable GIF that shows that scene in motion.
After ten to fifteen minutes of playing in the puddle ...
... Farabuto's fur was completely soaked in some places.