Shadow Hunters Contest Round 201 -Second Floor Safety Fence

in #hive-1790173 years ago

How’s your day going Shadow Hunters? May your days always be pleasant and full of happiness! After yesterday posting for the Reflection Hunters Contest Round 47th hosted by @olgavita, it's time to join the Shadow Hunters Contest for the 201st round which is hosted by admin and host @melinda010100. Here we go:


Apa kabar teman – teman semua! Semoga hari –hari kalian selalu menyenangkan dan penuh kebahagian! Setelah kemarin membuat postingan untuk Kontes Reflection Hunters yang di host oleh @olgavita, saatnya bergabung dalam Kontest Shadow Hunters untuk putaran yang ke 201st yang di manage oleh admin sekaligus host @melinda010100. Here we go:


The shadow of the concrete fence on the second floor of a shop is my entry for this week. I took this image in a small shop close to the fruit and vegetable market in Syamtalira Bayu District, North Aceh. In front of it, there is a small prayer room as a public facility for worship, especially for sellers of goods around the market. The rains are over, it’s summer now and I have plenty of opportunities for shadow hunting.


Bayangan dari pagar beton di lantai dua sebuah toko menjadi entri saya pada minggu ini. Bayangan ini saya ambil di sebuah toko kecil yang dekat dengan pasar buah – buahan dan sayur – sayuran di Kecamata Syamtalira Bayu Aceh Utara. Di depannya terdapat mushalla kecil sebagai fasilitas umum untuk beribadah terutama untuk para penjual barang- barang di sekitar pasar tersebut. Hujan telah berakhir, sekarang sudah memasuki musim panas dan saya mempunyai banyak kesempatan untuk berburu bayangan.

Here are some of my previous posts in participating in the Shadow Hunters Contest / Shadow Hunters Contest related post:

Shadows Of Shop Building

Shadow of Poles and Electric Wires over the road

My Husband's Motorbike Shadows

My Kids' shadows

Betel nut's shadows

If you are interested in participating in this contest Reflection Hunters Contest hosted by @melinda010100, please read the RULES
Shadow Hunters Contest Rules.
Have a nice day!
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If something's wrong or incomplete, please do not hesitate to let me know.
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I welcome comments, suggestions and corrections.


These are all lovely shadow photos and a great post! Thanks for entering the shadow contest

The great shadow of the fence! Thank you for your participation in the Shadow hunters contest! 😎 👏

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