Hello, Saturday :)
It's a wonderful weekend once again and I think it's going to be our 'lazy day' because we had been hard at work yesterday, lol! We are renovating the storage and been hammering, trimming boards and stuff. It's fun but can be quite exhausting too.
Today, let me share some reflection photos taken outside the Tayao Gardens along Highway 24 sometime in August. There was a little bridge over a man-made water pond (if it can be called as such).
I'm quite puzzled as to what is its purpose since it was quite long (probably about 40 feet) and deep (15-20 feet maybe) and there aren't anything else. I don't think it's a fishpond either so I can only guess it's supposed to be part of the place's attraction.
Anyhow, below are the reflection of the bamboo stick fence and of the rubber they used to cover the area.
Here, some reflection of poles were included in the picture. There were even trash floating on the water.
And here's a collage of random reflection shots. We were on the bridge when these photographs were captured.
And some reflections seen and caught on the other side of the bridge. Some triangular flag pennant string banners on the main street side, poles, electrical lines and stuff. The back of the billboard was reflected on the water too.
And this is my participation to the Reflection Hunting Edition #82 by Olgavita. Thank you for this awesome initiative which we can join in. It's quite fun to be taking shots of reflections wherever we see them.