Life is good, yeah?
We visited a greenhouse yesterday afternoon to check on a few things. The day was bright and cool which allowed us to enjoy the drive. On arriving, the hubby was ushered inside where he took these three photos.
The greenhouse was filled with seedlings on trays, mostly cabbages ready to be planted. They are for sale, by the way, each tray costs around $4. Greenhouse services are one of the booming businesses in the locality.
Meanwhile, Yongi and I were waiting in the car and we had a bit of fun capturing things - like shadows, reflections, and such. Here's the view of the greenhouse on the outside including its stretchy shadow along the street.
Looking out the window, I sighted the car's shadow. The carrier on top appears small when it's a bit large in reality. I think it's another form of "Shadow illusion" as Julie shared in her post. The source of light was coming from the west side and it was nearing sundown. Or probably the angle at which I took the shot, I'm not so sure.
Behind the car was a huge shadow of a building and a portion of the seedling greenhouse.
The rearview mirror caught it too! Shadows and reflections, yay!
While trying to capture photos, the curious Lil Guy forced himself through and looked out the window. He wanted to see what I was checking out and probably wished to have his picture taken too.😅
It's funny that he now loves the camera when he hated it when he was younger, lol! So yep, no more pointing and shooting. We just watched vehicles pass by. After a while, the hubby came out of the greenhouse with a big grin. It turned out, he was given a discount as part of the greenhouse owner's kind gesture in the spirit of the holiday season. Nice!
Anyway, we drove home afterward and arrived just before the sky went dark. And this is my participation in Round 351 of the SMASh or Shadow Hunting challenge by Melinda. My entry pic is labeled above :)
Thank you and until our next hunt. Here's to a fantabulous Sunday🥂
All pictures are my own. 08122024/02:30ph