Hispaliterario #34 | Micaela y su constructor de sueños. [ESP/ENG] 📚

in #hive-1792915 months ago

You can read the English version HERE

Era una tarde radiante, el sol un poco sofocante pero aún la temperatura se podía soportar. Micaela trajo a casa a su amiguita Laura, para compartir un delicioso helado que había hecho su abuela el día anterior. 🍧

La niña entró sonriente a la casa, su mente dibujaba la forma de ese delicioso helado. Mientras la mamá de Micaela les servía el postre en dos conos de galletas ellas recorrían el amplio corredor jugando y cantando.

De pronto Laura se detiene delante de un objeto extraño que nunca había visto. Con detenimiento observaba cada detalle de este mostrando una expresión de rareza en su rostro.

Micaela sorprendida le pregunta que es lo que le sucede, a esto ella le responde preguntando ¿Qué cosa era esa?... Micaela súbitamente suelta la carcajada y le dice,

-Y es que vienes de otro planeta?, pues es solo un libro, no es ningún animal devorador. Quita esa cara Laura, acaso nunca has visto un libro? 📘

Mientras tanto Laura un poco apenada y con la mirada baja, moviendo su cara de un lado a otro le da a entender que no. En la casa de Laura la tecnología los había arropado que ya no existía ni un libro, todo se hacía y se leía a través de sofisticados equipos tecnológicos.

-Y que es un libro?, preguntó Laura.

Micaela tomando el libro entre sus manos lo abre y pasando con sus dedos varias hojas, le responde,

-Un libro es un constructor de sueños..., mira, estás páginas narran las historias mas hermosas que he conocido.


Aquel era un tomo de una colección literaria con bellas fábulas, que había recibido de regalo en una navidad. La niña con los ojos llenos de emoción toma el libro entre sus manos y le dice,

-Micaela, ¿Puedes prestarme este libro?, quisiera mostrárselo a mamá, ella estará contenta de leer estás historias tan maravillosas.

La mamá de Micaela que observa desde la cocina, asiente con la cabeza y le dice:
-Puedes llevarlo pero recuerda regresarlo tan pronto como termines de leerlo. Cada libro es un tesoro y hay que valorarlo.

Aquella tarde terminó entre cuentos y risas. Laura regresó feliz a su casa cantando y bailando mientras en su mano llevaba el constructor de sueños, un maravilloso tesoro que había descubierto en aquella casa.


La tecnología nos ha brindado la oportunidad de acceder a una biblioteca gigantesca de información, hoy día hasta podemos acceder a audiolibros, libros digitales y grandes enciclopedias en linea. Aunque ésta manera de revolucionar la lectura han apartado un poco la atención hacia los libros impresos, eso no podrá sustituir la agradable sensación que tenemos al poder hojear un libro y contemplar las ilustraciones de sus hojas mientras nuestros ojos se divierten leyendo las historias mas fabulosas y contenidos valiosos.

Debemos rescatar la lectura de los libros impresos, porque de lo contrario tendremos generaciones robotizadas arrebatadas del tesoro invaluable de ese cúmulo de páginas impresas.


Esta es mi entrada en Hispaliterario #34 / EL LIBRO, anímate a participar en esta gran celebración y no dejes de disfrutar el placer de la lectura de un buen libro, impreso. 😊📔🤗🥳🎉


El contenido es de mi autoría, las imágenes son propias, a excepción de la indicada, la edición digital ha sido realizada por mí. El texto original ha sido escrito en español y traducido utilizando www.DeepL.com

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Hispaliterario #34 | Micaela and her dream builder. 📚

It was a radiant afternoon, the sun a little suffocating but still the temperature was bearable. Micaela brought home her little friend Laura, to share a delicious ice cream that her grandmother had made the day before. 🍧

The little girl entered the house smiling, her mind drawing the shape of that delicious ice cream. While Micaela's mom served them the dessert in two cookie cones they walked along the wide corridor playing and singing.

Suddenly Laura stopped in front of a strange object she had never seen before. She carefully observed every detail of it, showing a strange expression on her face.

Micaela, surprised, asked her what was wrong with it, to which she answered her by asking, "What was that thing? Micaela suddenly bursts out laughing and says to him,

-Well, it's just a book, it's not a devouring animal. Take off that face Laura, have you never seen a book? 📘

Meanwhile, Laura, a little embarrassed and with her eyes lowered, moving her face from one side to the other, gives him to understand that she has not. In Laura's house, technology had so enveloped them that there was no longer even a book, everything was done and read through sophisticated technological equipment.

-And what is a book? asked Laura.

Micaela, taking the book in her hands, opened it and turning over several pages with her fingers, answered,

-A book is a builder of dreams..., look, these pages tell the most beautiful stories I have ever known.


That was a volume of a literary collection with beautiful fables, which she had received as a Christmas present. The girl with her eyes full of emotion took the book in her hands and said to him,

-Micaela, can I borrow this book, I would like to show it to my mother, she will be happy to read these wonderful stories.

Micaela's mother, who is watching from the kitchen, nods her head and says, "You can take it with you, but remember to bring it back as soon as possible:

-You can take it with you, but remember to bring it back as soon as you finish reading it. Every book is a treasure and must be treasured.

That afternoon ended with stories and laughter. Laura happily returned home singing and dancing while in her hand she carried the dream builder, a wonderful treasure she had discovered in that house.


Technology has given us the opportunity to access a gigantic library of information, today we can even access audiobooks, digital books and large encyclopedias online. Although this way of revolutionizing reading has drawn some attention away from printed books, it cannot replace the pleasant sensation we have when we can leaf through a book and contemplate the illustrations on its pages while our eyes enjoy reading the most fabulous stories and valuable content.

We must rescue the reading of printed books, because otherwise we will have robotized generations snatched from the priceless treasure of that accumulation of printed pages.


This is my entry in Hispaliterario #34 | THE BOOK, encourage yourself to participate in this great celebration and don't stop enjoying the pleasure of reading a good book, printed. 😊📔🤗🥳🎉


The content is my authorship, the images are my own with the exception of the one shown above, the digital editing has been done by me. The original text has been written in Spanish and translated using www.DeepL.com

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