En el llano / On the plain | Copla

in #hive-1792912 years ago



En el llano el caballo galopa
Buscando agua fresca en el río
La naturaleza es su hogar
Y sus cascos son su tambor.

El viento sopla fuerte y libre
El caballo corre sin miedo
Su crin al viento ondea
Y su belleza es un deleite.

El sol calienta la tierra
Y las hojas susurran al pasar
El caballo sigue su camino
Siguiendo el curso del agua.

En el llano, en libertad
El caballo galopa sin fin
Su espíritu es libre y fuerte
Y la naturaleza es su rey.



On the plain the horse gallops
Looking for fresh water in the river
Nature is his home
And his hooves are his drum.

The wind blows strong and free
The horse runs without fear
His mane waves in the wind
And its beauty is a delight.

The sun warms the earth
And the leaves rustle as it passes
The horse goes on its way
Following the course of the water.

On the plain, in freedom
The horse gallops endlessly
His spirit is free and strong
And nature is its king.

Fotos tomadas desde un xiaomi redmi 9 pro



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