y que todo a nuestro alrededor
poco a poco perdiera frescor
y la mañana su despertar.
en todas la esquinas de la vida,
y de haber ingerido la bebida
mortal de tus labios en este añorar.
con cada latido del corazón,
y que esta profunda pasión
atormente cada paso de mi andar.
y haber robado tu amor,
tu sonrisa, ahora este clamor
qué escuchas es mi pesar.
y que la luz de tu mirada
se halla ido con la alborada,
mis deseos, dejándome en este delirar.
haberte causado este inmenso dolor,
y que la olorosa flor
de la pasión sea mi llorar.
y que el filoso puñal
de este olvido, sea la señal
que me impida volverte amar.
and that everything around us
little by little lost its freshness
and the morning is awakening.
at all the corners of life,
and for having ingested the deadly drink
of your lips in this longing.
with every beat of my heart,
and that this deep passion
torments every step of my walk.
and steal your love,
your smile, now this cry
that you hear is my regret.
and that the light of your gaze
is gone with the dawn,
my desires, leaving me in this delirium.
for causing you this immense pain,
and that the fragrant flower
of passion is my weeping.
and that the sharp dagger
of this oblivion is the sign
that prevents me from loving you again.
📌 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) Notice to the reader My mother tongue is Spanish, so please excuse me for any grammatical or syntax errors in the translation of this content.
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