[ESP-ENG] 📖 Relato: EL ZORONGO (Historia Original por Strangex)

in #hive-1792913 years ago

THE ZORONGO (Original Story by Strangex)

Cuenta la leyenda de una criatura nocturna, un hombre con aspecto demoníaco armado con un hacha y la cabeza del mismísimo diablo en su espalda, los que han oído de su leyenda dicen "pobre de aquel inocente que se tope con el Zorongo", pues aseguran que no vivirá para contarlo.

The legend tells of a nocturnal creature, a demonic-looking man armed with an axe and the head of the devil himself on his back, those who have heard of his legend say "poor that innocent person who comes across the Zorongo ", for they assure that he will not live to tell the tale.

Quienes conocen su historia dicen que lo mejor es encomendarse a Dios para poder sobrevivir, cuando cae la noche y la traicionera luna se pierde entre las nubes desde las sombras salta aquella criatura infernal con su capa negra para envolver tu cuerpo y su hacha gigante en sus garras y no para hasta llevarse tu cabeza o algún miembro de tu cuerpo arrancarte, si es que acaso logras escaparte.

Those who know its history say that the best thing to do is to pray to God in order to survive. When night falls and the treacherous moon is lost among the clouds, that infernal creature jumps out of the shadows with its black cloak to wrap your body and its giant axe in its claws and does not stop until it takes your head or some part of your body is ripped off, if you manage to escape.

El Zorongo es de los pueblos del Suramérica, dicen que era un joven amable pero un desamor lo llevo a la locura, todos le dieron la espalda y eso lo llevo a lanzarse a si mismo una maldición y finalmente termino por arrancarse la cabeza hundido en su pena.

No hay quien diga: "Yo sobreviví a él"... pero "¡Pobre de aquel que no crea en el Zorongo!" dicen los viejos que aseguran haber visto su sombra pasar, solo ataca cuando la luna luce ardiente y bañada en sangre con su resplandor gigante alumbrando los sendero de todos parajes.

The Zorongo is from the villages of South America, they say he was a kind young man but a lack of love drove him to madness, everyone turned their backs on him and that led him to put a curse on himself and finally he ended up tearing his head off in his grief.

There is no one who says: "I survived him"... but "Woe to him who does not believe in the Zorongo!" say the old people who claim to have seen his shadow pass, he only attacks when the moon is burning and bathed in blood with its giant glow illuminating the paths of all places.

Es mejor cuidarse y no salir tan tarde cuando llena luce la luna pues cuando lo tengan de frente no habrá escape. Múltiples muertes, incluso de animales decapitados sin explicación alguna, que solo termina dándole poder a la leyenda de aquel espanto que aterroriza la zona.

It's better to be careful and not to go out so late when the moon shines full because when they have it in front of them there will be no escape. Multiple deaths, even of beheaded animals without any explanation, which only ends up giving power to the legend of that terror that terrorizes the area.



🎨📸 Fotografía y Edición: Realizadas por mi mismo, StrangeX, con mi teléfono KRIP K7 de un Evento de HALLOWEEN 2021, fueron editadas con Photoeditor App y Photoscape.

Traducido por www.DeepL.com/Translator (versión gratis)

🎨📸 Photography and Editing: Taken by myself, StrangeX, with my KRIP K7 phone from a HALLOWEEN 2021 event, were edited with Photoeditor App and Photoscape.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version).
