Your stories are artwork are fantastic!
A young art teacher, Ryan Bentzinger, published a book of his watercolor prints - 'nAMUH', or s 'human' spelled backwards. So far, not a single review at Amazon, and it's not even listed at Goodreads. At $65 per hardcover, that's not so surprising. I actually bought a copy at an art museum where I happened to see him as a guest speaker and exhibitor. I didn't buy the book via Amazon, so they won't let me review it.
Sci-Fi story based on the perspective in which humans polluted the earth to the point of which it was inhabitable. UNIQUE book, in Ryan's handwriting; each character's voice uses a different color of pencil. This book has been a hit with his elementary art students. Many of Ryan's art originals are for sale, a simple google search of his name will get you much more information on his art, TV interviews, museum shows, etc. Hardback. 257 pages with biography, 197 full color ink drawings. ISBN 9780996896108
You've got the right idea: I plan to start out with a self-published version of my first book. One that I can literally print myself....An E-book release can follow later. Keep your prices lower than his, try ebook and paperback, to avoid the low sales he apparently faces.... GOOD LUCK and I'll be watching for launch dates.