Are we all not connected in instincts, urges, and desires that easily meet the eye? And below the surface, do the pieces that make up each of us up not resemble one another endlessly, like fractals of the same resounding whole?
One could make the case that we are all pieces of the same being, only finding separation in perspective. Much like the individual parts of the human body only seemingly operate independently, yet are tied to one another inseparably.
Confessions of the Damaged 1.1 explores this idea, among many others, encouraging us to face ourselves through the perspective of another.
This lovely book was written by I+Everything AKA @selfhelp4trolls AKA @whatamidoing AKA Zack under the first moniker. With a passion for exploring the bonds we share as humans across culture and time, Zack has branched out in a variety of ways to connect folks with themselves and others.
You can find him around the web highlighting this magic through his books, music, and podcast, which is called Untangled Knots. After meeting this longtime Hivian and friendly face on chain through his posts, I was excited to dive into the first part of Confessions of the Damaged!
This is a read that will take you out of your body given the chance. I found myself noting the similarities between my own existence and the flow of the ocean, the bird that sits outside the window, the wind blowing the curtain back and forth... I found myself pulled into synchronicity with each detail that is not just me, but everyone I've met before.
While traveling through the daily life of a homeless man, we experience his thoughts laced together with memories of the past in this volume. I thought on the phrase "homefree" as I read. Many have chosen to call those who live on the streets this instead of homeless, with the idea that it highlights their humanity better. Having been without a home by choice in the past, I've always liked the term. Reading this book made me like it even more as I ruminated on all of the mental and physical prisons we are known to throw ourselves into in life.
It seems to me that we often place the parameters that define happiness on complex variables that have too much power over us. Too many options to "fail". Too much possibility for the negative to suffocate the roots of joy. Sometimes success is being able to share not-so-stale bread, a dry pair of shoes, or a warm seat to doze off in. This read made me think about how celebrating the things we tend to overlook is a massive success in itself; how such things can be freedom.
Beyond these layers and levels of achievement that a capitalistic world would have us believe are the most valuable, there lies something so much greater. Connection with our inner selves, with the natural and spiritual world around us. This novella felt healing, a read that wiped some fatigue from my mind. I don't want to say too much more about what my takeaways were, instead I would encourage you to give it a read as well and see what you find in it!
If you'd like to support a kick-ass Hivian by purchasing his book, or perhaps checking out his other work, you can find him on:
I hope you enjoyed my review of Confessions of the Damaged 1.1!